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Early career teacher educators' dispositions toward sustainability and accountability for sustainability issues: a case from teachers colleges in Turkey
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1108/jarhe-02-2021-0051
Mustafa Öztürk , Oren Pizmony-Levy


This study aims to investigate the dispositions of early career teacher educators as young academics toward sustainability and accountability for sustainability issues. Through their interpretations, concerns, awareness and ownership of sustainability, the study portrays how a global phenomenon is articulated specifically within the local context of teachers colleges in Turkey.


The study was designed as a survey, and the data were collected through a cross-sectional online questionnaire. The sample (n = 72) was limited, through purposeful sampling, to early career teacher educators teaching and being trained in well-established Turkish teachers colleges to become prospective faculty members of newly founded teachers colleges across the country. The data were analyzed primarily through quantitative methods. For the analyses, STATA software was used to perform descriptive and inferential statistics.


The general results indicated that the participants were highly concerned about sustainability problems. However, their concerns were not reflected to the same degree on their perceived awareness and ownership of education for sustainable development (ESD). Hunger and poverty, loss of biodiversity, climate change and epidemic diseases were all perceived to be urgent more in the global context. On the other hand, unemployment, refugees and terrorism were perceived to be locally urgent problems. Different agencies within the community were addressed to be accountable for different types of sustainability problems. The accountability for economic, environmental and societal problems were mainly placed on governments. Additionally, individuals/families and educators were held more accountable for environmental issues, while corporations and super powers were held more accountable for economic issues. As for societal issues, educators, individuals/families and non-governmental organizations were addressed to be more responsible.


The significance of the study is mainly twofold. If sustainable development is conceptualized with a futuristic viewpoint that attaches a great importance to next generations' needs, focusing on the dispositions of early career teacher educators as young academics is a reasonable way of addressing the current gaps and eliminating the future inefficacies. Building on the assumption that ESD would remain imperfect without the commitment of teacher educators who have the potential to bring changes in educational systems and shape knowledge and skills of future teachers, in turn future generations; this study becomes even more valuable as it includes specifically the academicians in the field of teacher education.






该研究设计为一项调查,并通过横断面在线问卷收集数据。通过有目的的抽样,样本 ( n  = 72) 仅限于早期职业教师教育者在成熟的土耳其师范学院教学和接受培训,以成为全国新成立的师范学院的准教员。数据主要通过定量方法进行分析。对于分析,STATA 软件用于执行描述性和推理性统计。


总体结果表明,参与者高度关注可持续性问题。然而,他们对可持续发展教育 (ESD) 的感知意识和所有权并未得到同等程度的关注。饥饿和贫困、生物多样性丧失、气候变化和流行病都被认为在全球范围内更为紧迫。另一方面,失业、难民和恐怖主义被认为是当地紧迫的问题。社区内的不同机构被要求对不同类型的可持续性问题负责。经济、环境和社会问题的责任主要由政府承担。此外,个人/家庭和教育工作者对环境问题负有更多责任,而企业和超级大国则对经济问题负有更多责任。至于社会问题,教育者、个人/家庭和非政府组织被要求承担更多责任。


