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Neoarchaean and Proterozoic crustal growth and reworking in the Western Bastar Craton, Central India: Constraints from zircon, monazite geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry
Precambrian Research ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106284
M Lachhana Dora , Dewashish Upadhyay , Vivek P. Malviya , Tushar Meshram , Srinivas R Baswani , Kirtikumar Randive , Rajkumar Meshram , G. Suresh , Rashmi Naik , S. Ranjan

The Bastar Craton is one of the oldest cratonic nuclei of the Indian shield, comprising Paleoarchean to Mesoproterozoic crust that preserves the record of protracted crustal evolution and metallogeny. This study describes whole-rock geochemistry, U-Th-Pb ages of zircon and monazite from Neoarchean TTGs, sanukitoids, and Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic granites, and Sm-Nd isotope data from mafic enclave within TTGs of the Western Bastar Craton (WBC). The TTGs and sanukitoids represent Neoarchean crust formed by collision-accretion processes. The TTGs are of two types: low-HREE and high-HREE with both groups derived from low-K mafic sources. The sanukitoids have moderate SiO2 (55.1–65.1 wt%, average = 61.7 wt%), Mg# (20–36, average = 24.7), Ni (10–40 ppm; average = 14 ppm), Sr (339–528; average = 418 ppm) and moderate to high concentrations of incompatible elements like Rb (26–112 ppm, average = 48), Ba (482–2300 ppm, average = 1542), Zr (69–593 ppm, average = 334 ppm), Nb (3.8–14.8 ppm, average = 8.7 ppm), Y (13.2–24.5 ppm, average = 19.5 ppm), and REE (91–301 ppm, average = 212)]. They post-date TTG emplacement and formed by mixing between metabasalt-derived and mantle wedge-derived melts in an arc environment. The Mul granite represents a younger Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic suite of granites that was derived by reworking of pre-existing crust. U–Pb ages of zircon constraints the TTG magmatism to 2544–2496 Ma, while Nd-model ages (3259–3142 Ma) of mafic enclaves within the TTG suggest the presence of Paleoarchean crust in the WBC.

Zircon and monazite ages indicate that the emplacement of the Mul granite was synchronous with 1666–1547 Ma regional tectonothermal event. These granites were produced by reworking of older granitoid crust. The Neoarchean TTGs/sanukitoids were affected by 1666–1547 Ma tectonothermal event which constitutes a widely documented Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic orogeny in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone and Bhopalpatnam granulite belt to the south of the WBC. Copper and gold mineralization in the Thanewasna belt along the craton's western margin is linked to this tectono-magmatic event. In the global supercontinent outlook, the WBC preserves the imprints of Neoarchean events related to the Ur supercontinent as well as Paleo-Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic (Grenville-age) events associated with the Columbia and Rodinia supercontinent



巴斯塔克拉通是印度地盾中最古老的克拉通核之一,包括古太古代至中元古代地壳,保留了地壳演化和成矿的记录。本研究描述了全岩地球化学、来自新太古代 TTG、sanukitoid 和古至中元古代花岗岩的锆石和独居石的 U-Th-Pb 年龄,以及来自西巴斯塔克拉通 (WBC) TTG 内基性飞地的 Sm-Nd 同位素数据. TTGs 和sanukitoids 代表由碰撞-增生过程形成的新太古代地壳。TTGs 有两种类型:低 HREE 和高 HREE,两组均来自低 K 镁铁质源。sanukitoids 具有中等 SiO 2(55.1–65.1 wt%,平均 = 61.7 wt%),Mg#(20–36,平均 = 24.7),Ni(10–40 ppm;平均 = 14 ppm),Sr(339–528;平均 = 418 ppm)以及中等至高浓度的不相容元素,如 Rb(26–112 ppm,平均 = 48)、Ba(482–2300 ppm,平均 = 1542)、Zr(69–593 ppm,平均 = 334 ppm)、Nb(3.8– 14.8 ppm,平均值 = 8.7 ppm),Y(13.2-24.5 ppm,平均值 = 19.5 ppm)和 REE(91-301 ppm,平均值 = 212)]。它们晚于 TTG 侵位,并由变玄武岩衍生的熔体和地幔楔衍生的熔体在弧形环境中混合形成。穆尔花岗岩代表了一个较年轻的古至中元古代花岗岩组,它是通过对先前存在的地壳进行再加工而获得的。锆石的 U-Pb 年龄将 TTG 岩浆活动限制在 2544-2496 Ma,

锆石和独居石年龄表明,Mul 花岗岩的侵位与 1666-1547 Ma 区域构造热事件同步。这些花岗岩是通过对较旧的花岗岩地壳进行改造而产生的。新太古代 TTGs/sanukitoids 受到 1666-1547 Ma 构造热事件的影响,该事件构成了中印度构造带和 WBC 以南的博帕尔帕特南麻粒岩带中广泛记录的古至中元古代造山运动。克拉通西部边缘的 Thanewasna 带中的铜和金矿化与这一构造岩浆事件有关。在全球超大陆展望中,WBC 保留了与乌尔超大陆相关的新太古代事件以及与哥伦比亚和罗迪尼亚超大陆相关的古中元古代和新元古代(格伦维尔时代)事件的印记
