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Oceanographic chaos and its role in larval self-recruitment and connectivity among fish populations in Micronesia
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107461
Eric Wolanski , Robert H. Richmond , Yimnang Golbuu

A 30-year time series of the recruitment of rabbit fish, a herbivorous coral reef fish, on the island of Guam in the tropical western Pacific, showed variability that ENSO alone does not explain. To help explain this variability, a high-resolution biophysical model that includes directional swimming reveals how mesoscale turbulence and ENSO-driven changes in the ocean circulation control the self-recruitment of rabbit fish. ENSO drives island wakes that enhance the capacity to retain locally spawned larvae, and mesoscale turbulence generates much variability and promotes seaward dispersion at time scales larger than the Pelagic Larval Duration. The same processes are predicted to occur for the self-recruitment of grouper fish, a carnivorous coral reef fish, in Palau, Micronesia. The models suggests that 99% of these fish larvae are exported seaward from Guam and Palau. Those larvae are the ones that could provide connectivity between reefs and islands in Micronesia. This connectivity for the grouper fish was predicted using an altimetry-driven advection-diffusion oceanography model for 40 mass spawning events spread over 10 years. The mesoscale turbulence, and not the mean oceanographic currents, is the dominant process controlling the connectivity, which is thus chaotic. This finding applies also in the Galapagos archipelago and the Coral Sea fringing the Great Barrier Reef.



在热带西太平洋关岛的 30 年时间序列中,兔鱼是一种草食性珊瑚礁鱼,显示出仅 ENSO 无法解释的变异性。为了帮助解释这种可变性,一个包含定向游泳的高分辨率生物物理模型揭示了海洋环流中的中尺度湍流和 ENSO 驱动的变化如何控制兔鱼的自我募集。ENSO 驱动岛屿尾流,从而增强保留本地产卵幼虫的能力,而中尺度湍流会产生很大的可变性,并在大于远洋幼虫持续时间的时间尺度上促进向海扩散。在密克罗尼西亚的帕劳,石斑鱼是一种肉食性珊瑚礁鱼,预计也会发生同样的过程。模型表明,99% 的这些鱼幼体从关岛和帕劳向海出口。这些幼虫可以在密克罗尼西亚的珊瑚礁和岛屿之间提供连接。石斑鱼的这种连通性是使用高度计驱动的平流扩散海洋学模型预测的,该模型对 10 年内发生的 40 次大规模产卵事件进行了预测。中尺度湍流而不是平均洋流是控制连通性的主要过程,因此是混乱的。这一发现也适用于加拉帕戈斯群岛和大堡礁边缘的珊瑚海。石斑鱼的这种连通性是使用高度计驱动的平流扩散海洋学模型预测的,该模型对 10 年内发生的 40 次大规模产卵事件进行了预测。中尺度湍流,而不是平均洋流,是控制连通性的主要过程,因此是混乱的。这一发现也适用于加拉帕戈斯群岛和大堡礁边缘的珊瑚海。石斑鱼的这种连通性是使用高度计驱动的平流扩散海洋学模型预测的,该模型对 10 年内发生的 40 次大规模产卵事件进行了预测。中尺度湍流,而不是平均洋流,是控制连通性的主要过程,因此是混乱的。这一发现也适用于加拉帕戈斯群岛和大堡礁边缘的珊瑚海。
