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The mutual influence of an instructor’s eye gaze and facial expression in video lectures
Interactive Learning Environments ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-13 , DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2021.1940213
Zhongling Pi 1 , Yi Zhang 2 , Fangfang Zhu 2 , Louqi Chen 2 , Xin Guo 2 , Jiumin Yang 2


This study tested the mutual effects of the instructor's eye gaze and facial expression on students’ eye movements (i.e. first fixation time to the slides, percentage dwell time on the slides, and percentage dwell time on the instructor), parasocial interaction, and learning performance in pre-recorded video lectures. Students (N = 118 undergraduate and graduate students) were assigned to watch one of four videos in a 2 (gaze: direct, guided) × 2 (facial expression: surprised, neutral) between-groups design. Contrary to our hypotheses, eye movement data showed that students who watched the video lecture with the instructor's guided gaze and surprised face showed longer first fixation time to the slides and lower dwell time on the slides; these students also had lower learning scores. Instructor eye gaze and facial expression did not influence students’ ratings of parasocial interaction. Our results suggest that in reference to social cues during video lectures with slides, “more” is not necessarily “better.” The findings have practical implications for designing pre-recorded slide-based video lectures: An instructor is cautioned against using multiple social cues simultaneously, especially in video lectures in which the instructor and the visual learning materials compete for students’ attention.




本研究测试了教师的视线和面部表情对学生眼球运动(即第一次注视幻灯片的时间、在幻灯片上停留时间的百分比以及在教师身上停留时间的百分比)、类社会互动和学习表现的相互影响在预先录制的视频讲座中。学生(N = 118 名本科生和研究生)被分配观看 2 个(凝视:直接、引导)× 2(面部表情:惊讶、中立)组间设计的四个视频之一。与我们的假设相反,眼动数据显示,在老师引导的目光和惊讶的表情下观看视频讲座的学生对幻灯片的首次注视时间较长,在幻灯片上的停留时间较短;这些学生的学习成绩也较低。教师的眼神和面部表情不会影响学生对准社会互动的评分。我们的结果表明,就幻灯片视频讲座期间的社交线索而言,“更多”不一定是“更好”。这些发现对于设计预先录制的基于幻灯片的视频讲座具有实际意义:
