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Democratic pilgrimage: Swedish students’ understanding of study trips to Holocaust memorial sites
Educational Review ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-14 , DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2021.1931040
Ola Flennegård 1 , Christer Mattsson 2


This article focuses on Swedish students’ understanding of study trips to Holocaust memorial sites. Although about a quarter of all Swedish teenagers visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum each year, with the majority visiting as students as part of their school curriculum, this study is the first to examine these study trips from a student perspective. By applying critical discourse analysis, this article analyses 49 students’ reflections, written before, during, and after two study trips. The results suggest that the study trips’ discursive practice, which constitutes and is constituted by the study trips’ social practice, is regulated by a discursive order termed democratic pilgrimage. In addition, this article reveals two didactic deviations from previous research on study trips: the students’ positive feelings in relation to the Polish environment and the balance between victim and perpetrator perspectives. The latter creates tension within the students and is solved via articulations of democratic values.




本文重点关注瑞典学生对大屠杀纪念地游学的理解。尽管每年约有四分之一的瑞典青少年参观奥斯威辛-比克瑙州立博物馆,其中大多数学生作为学校课程的一部分来参观,但这项研究是首次从学生的角度审视这些学习旅行。通过应用批判性话语分析,本文分析了 49 名学生在两次学习旅行之前、期间和之后所写的反思。结果表明,构成游学社会实践并由游学社会实践构成的游学话语实践受到称为民主朝圣的话语秩序的调节。. 此外,本文还揭示了与以往游学研究的两个教学偏差:学生对波兰环境的积极感受,以及受害者和肇事者观点之间的平衡。后者在学生内部造成紧张,并通过表达民主价值观来解决。
