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Role of floral strips and semi-natural habitats as enhancers of wild bee functional diversity in intensive agricultural landscapes
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107544
Violeta Hevia , Carlos P. Carmona , Francisco M. Azcárate , Roberto Heredia , José A. González

Installing patches of flowering plants is a commonly used strategy to enhance refuge and food resources for pollinators in intensive agricultural landscapes. Here, we evaluated how floral strips and semi-natural habitats impact the taxonomic and functional diversity of wild bees in intensively farmed sunflower fields. Pan traps were used to assess bee richness and functional diversity at 22 sampling sites (11 sites were positioned in sunflower fields with floral strips, and 11 control sites were adjacent to semi-natural habitats). Five sampling levels were established in each field, positioned at different distances from the flower strip or semi-natural habitat. Wild bee species richness and functional richness were significantly higher inside floral strips and semi-natural habitats compared to sunflower fields. Functional redundancy was significantly higher inside agricultural fields compared to inside floral strips and semi-natural habitats. Sunflower fields with floral strips had lower Rao values compared to sunflower fields adjacent to semi-natural habitats. The community-weighted mean (CWM) of intertegular distance (distance between where wings attach to body) of wild bees was significantly higher in sunflower fields adjacent to semi-natural habitats. In comparison, the CWM of wing length varied across sampling levels in sunflower fields with semi-natural habitats. Our results show it is essential to have semi-natural habitats within intensive agricultural landscapes to ensure the conservation of wild bee diversity, while the installation of floral strips offers a partial substitute to enhance wild bee diversity when semi-natural habitats are scarce or absent.



在集约化的农业景观中,安装成片的开花植物是增强传粉媒介的避难所和食物资源的常用策略。在这里,我们评估了花带和半自然栖息地如何影响集约化养殖的向日葵田中野生蜜蜂的分类和功能多样性。在 22 个采样地点(11 个地点位于有花带的向日葵田中,11 个对照地点与半自然栖息地相邻),使用盘式诱捕器来评估蜜蜂的丰富度和功能多样性。在每个领域建立了五个采样级别,位于距花带或半自然栖息地不同距离的位置。与向日葵田相比,花带和半自然栖息地内的野生蜂物种丰富度和功能丰富度显着更高。与内部花卉带和半自然栖息地相比,农田内部的功能冗余显着更高。与靠近半自然栖息地的向日葵田相比,带有花条的向日葵田的 Rao 值较低。在与半自然栖息地相邻的向日葵田中,野生蜜蜂的簇间距离(翅膀与身体之间的距离)的群落加权平均值 (CWM) 显着更高。相比之下,在半自然栖息地的向日葵田中,翼长的 CWM 随采样水平的不同而变化。我们的结果表明,在集约化农业景观中拥有半自然栖息地对于确保野生蜜蜂多样性的保护至关重要,
