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Administering relief: Glasgow Corporation’s support for Scotland’s c. 20,000 Belgian refugees1
Immigrants & Minorities ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2016-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02619288.2016.1169928
Jacqueline Jenkinson

Abstract Uniquely in the history of British wartime support for Belgian refugees, a subcommittee of Glasgow Corporation assumed complete responsibility for close to 20,000 refugees housed in Scotland. The councillors who formed Glasgow Corporation’s Belgian Refugee Committee became the administrators for Belgian refugee relief for the whole of Scotland. The Glasgow committee raised money to support Belgian refugees via public, church and trade union donations from across Scotland to offset the £1000 weekly running costs. This article considers the reasons behind the Corporation’s assumption of this national role and assesses its success in supporting Scotland’s Belgian refugees.


管理救济:格拉斯哥公司对苏格兰的支持。20,000 比利时难民1

摘要 在英国战时支持比利时难民的历史上,格拉斯哥公司的一个小组委员会对安置在苏格兰的近 20,000 名难民承担了全部责任。组成格拉斯哥公司比利时难民委员会的议员成为整个苏格兰比利时难民救济的管理者。格拉斯哥委员会通过苏格兰各地的公共、教会和工会捐款筹集资金支持比利时难民,以抵消每周 1000 英镑的运营成本。本文考虑了该公司承担这一国家角色背后的原因,并评估其在支持苏格兰的比利时难民方面取得的成功。