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‘We Would Rather Drown Ourselves in Lake Victoria’: Refugee Women, Protest, and Polish Displacement in Colonial East Africa, 1948–49
Immigrants & Minorities ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/02619288.2019.1677467
Katarzyna Nowak 1

ABSTRACT During the Second World War, a group of Polish refugees was placed in camps in British colonial East Africa. In 1948, the idea of relocating them to Europe for resettlement purposes brought about a fierce protest action where refugees petitioned prominent figures and organisations. Analysing this incident, the article explores the situation of the refugees on the margins of the mass international aid which emerged in the aftermath of the war. It demonstrates how the refugees negotiated their circumstances and mobilised their resources by engaging with the dominant discourses, including the concept of human rights, to their benefit and in doing so contributed to changing procedures on the ground.


“我们宁愿淹死在维多利亚湖”:1948-49 年东非殖民地的难民妇女、抗议和波兰人流离失所

摘要 第二次世界大战期间,一群波兰难民被安置在英国殖民地东非的难民营中。1948 年,将他们重新安置到欧洲进行重新安置的想法引发了一场激烈的抗议活动,难民向知名人士和组织请愿。文章通过分析这一事件,探讨了战后出现的大规模国际援助边缘的难民状况。它展示了难民如何通过参与包括人权概念在内的主流话语来协商他们的情况并调动他们的资源,以造福他们,并由此促成了实地程序的改变。