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The Permanent Way of the 1805 Congleton Railway: New Evidence from Fieldwork
Industrial Archaeology Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03090728.2020.1716521
Rowan Patel

ABSTRACT The Congleton Railway was opened in 1805, traversing the Staffordshire/Cheshire border. Fieldwork carried out on the route in 2018 resulted in the discovery of numerous components of its early cast-iron trackwork, allowing the construction of this short colliery railway to be understood in significantly more depth than has previously been possible. Examples of two types of cast-iron rail, two types of supporting saddle, stone sleepers, track spikes and wagon wheels are described. The Congleton trackwork was based upon that used on the 1801 Penrhyn Quarry Railway, and gives an insight into some of the weaknesses of that design. Documentary research has also been undertaken, which helps to place these artefacts in context. With some notable exceptions, the permanent way utilised on early railways has seen little detailed analysis, yet the importance of recording this artefactual evidence has recently been emphasised in a report for Historic England.


1805 年康格尔顿铁路的永久道路:来自实地考察的新证据

摘要 康格尔顿铁路于 1805 年开通,穿越斯塔福德郡/柴郡边界。2018 年在这条路线上进行的实地考察发现了其早期铸铁轨道的众多组成部分,使人们能够比以前更深入地了解这条短煤矿铁路的建设。描述了两种类型的铸铁轨道、两种类型的支撑鞍座、石枕、轨道道钉和车轮的示例。Congleton 轨道工程基于 1801 年 Penrhyn 采石场铁路上使用的轨道工程,并深入了解该设计的一些弱点。还进行了文献研究,这有助于将这些人工制品置于背景中。除了一些值得注意的例外,早期铁路上使用的永久方式几乎没有详细分析,