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The Lock-Keepers of Hawley's Lock, Regent's Canal, Camden
Industrial Archaeology Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03090728.2019.1577041
Miranda Fulbright

ABSTRACT In 2015–16 Compass Archaeology had the opportunity to carry out an archaeological investigation on a site adjacent to Hawley’s Lock on the Regent’s Canal, Camden. The fieldwork followed the recommendations of Historic England, which were made due to the apparent existence of a lock-keepers' cottage at Hawley’s Lock, represented principally on historic maps. The excavations unearthed the well-preserved remains of the cottage from which a floor plan was established. The history and evolution of the building suggested three stages of construction. The original cottage was built c.1820, contemporary with the construction of the first phase of the canal. It was extended to the west and north by 1850 and separated into two probable dwellings, with a third structure added to the west between 1850 and 1870. This third building was associated with the neighbouring sawmill and was the least well preserved of the three. The remains of the steam-pumping house at Kentish Town Lock were also encountered and are discussed herein. This article attempts to place the lock-keepers' cottage within a social context and therefore considers the residents of the building and what their day-to-day lives might have looked like. This topic has been overlooked until now, with canal archaeology focused on engineering and industrial aspects of the waterway rather than the anthropology. An attempt has been made to rectify this throughout the project, and it is hoped that more attention might be paid in the future to the everyday people and workings of the canals of Britain.


Hawley's Lock、Regent's Canal、Camden 的锁匠

摘要 在 2015-16 年,Compass Archaeology 有机会在卡姆登摄政运河上的霍利锁附近的一个地点进行考古调查。实地考察遵循了历史悠久的英格兰的建议,这些建议是由于在霍利的锁上明显存在锁匠小屋,主要在历史地图上出现。挖掘工作出土了保存完好的小屋遗迹,并从中建立了平面图。这座建筑的历史和演变表明了三个建造阶段。最初的小屋建于 1820 年,与运河第一阶段的建设同时期。到 1850 年,它向西和向北延伸,分成两个可能的住宅,在 1850 年至 1870 年间向西增加了第三个结构。这第三座建筑与邻近的锯木厂有关,是三座中保存最完好的一座。在 Kentish Town Lock 的蒸汽泵房的遗迹也被发现并在本文中进行了讨论。本文试图将锁匠的小屋置于社会背景中,因此考虑建筑物的居民以及他们的日常生活可能是什么样子。到目前为止,这个话题一直被忽视,运河考古学侧重于水道的工程和工业方面,而不是人类学。在整个项目中都试图纠正这一点,希望未来能更多地关注英国运河的日常生活和运作。在 Kentish Town Lock 的蒸汽泵房的遗迹也被发现并在本文中进行了讨论。本文试图将锁匠的小屋置于社会背景中,因此考虑建筑物的居民以及他们的日常生活可能是什么样子。到目前为止,这个话题一直被忽视,运河考古学侧重于水道的工程和工业方面,而不是人类学。在整个项目中都试图纠正这一点,希望未来能更多地关注英国运河的日常生活和运作。在 Kentish Town Lock 的蒸汽泵房的遗迹也被发现并在本文中进行了讨论。本文试图将锁匠的小屋置于社会背景中,因此考虑建筑物的居民以及他们的日常生活可能是什么样子。到目前为止,这个话题一直被忽视,运河考古学侧重于水道的工程和工业方面,而不是人类学。在整个项目中都试图纠正这一点,希望未来能更多地关注英国运河的日常生活和运作。小屋在社会背景下,因此考虑建筑物的居民以及他们的日常生活可能是什么样子。到目前为止,这个话题一直被忽视,运河考古学侧重于水道的工程和工业方面,而不是人类学。在整个项目中都试图纠正这一点,希望未来能更多地关注英国运河的日常生活和运作。小屋在社会背景下,因此考虑建筑物的居民以及他们的日常生活可能是什么样子。到目前为止,这个话题一直被忽视,运河考古学侧重于水道的工程和工业方面,而不是人类学。在整个项目中都试图纠正这一点,希望未来能更多地关注英国运河的日常生活和运作。