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The Delvers, Delving along the Derwent — a History of 200 Quarries and the People who Built them
Industrial Archaeology Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03090728.2020.1743590
John Barnatt 1

converted to other private use) and private individuals. The restorations recognised by the awards have been extended to cover station roofs, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, signal boxes, goods sheds, tea rooms and coal drops, and smaller projects such as a cast-iron gent’s urinal, lighting columns and mileposts. The competition was extended to the Isle of Man in 1987 and to Ireland in 1992. Some 227 locations are listed in the index, but there is no actual list of award winners, although it might be possible to construct one from information in the text and captions. One feels that there should be mention of the parallels between the ‘listing’ of railway buildings and structures and this annual competition? The former is concerned with safeguarding and the latter with restoration, but the two are complementary. To what extent has the competition inspired the rescue of listed buildings? Has it resulted in new listings? But these questions are not explored. Perhaps the affinity is deliberately downplayed. The invitation to submit entries for the 1983 awards warned ‘that the judges would be paying particular attention to efforts in creating an attractive public image rather than to maintaining strict adherence to a particular historic period’. This pragmatic approach remains a hallmark of the Awards; despite occasional dissension within the Panel of Adjudicators, the Awards have not sought to be a purist architectural composition. Nevertheless this is a worthy record of an enterprise that must have greatly exceeded its founders’ hopes.


挖掘者,沿着德温特挖掘——200 个采石场和建造它们的人的历史

转换为其他私人用途)和私人。奖项认可的修复项目已扩展到车站屋顶、桥梁、高架桥、隧道、信号箱、货棚、茶室和煤仓,以及铸铁小便池、灯柱和里程碑等较小的项目。比赛于 1987 年扩展到马恩岛,并于 1992 年扩展到爱尔兰。索引中列出了大约 227 个地点,但没有实际的获奖者名单,尽管有可能根据文本中的信息和字幕。有人觉得应该提到铁路建筑和结构的“上市”与这一年度竞赛之间的相似之处吗?前者关注保护,后者关注恢复,但两者相辅相成。竞赛在多大程度上激发了对上市建筑的拯救?它是否导致了新的上市?但这些问题都没有探讨。也许这种亲和力被故意淡化了。为 1983 年的奖项提交参赛作品的邀请警告说,“评委将特别注意努力创造有吸引力的公众形象,而不是严格遵守特定的历史时期”。这种务实的方法仍然是奖项的标志;尽管评审团内部偶尔会出现分歧,但奖项并未寻求成为纯粹的建筑作品。尽管如此,这是一家企业的有价值的记录,一定大大超出了其创始人的希望。也许这种亲和力被故意淡化了。为 1983 年的奖项提交参赛作品的邀请警告说,“评委将特别注意努力创造有吸引力的公众形象,而不是严格遵守特定的历史时期”。这种务实的方法仍然是奖项的标志;尽管评审团内部偶尔会出现分歧,但奖项并未寻求成为纯粹的建筑作品。尽管如此,这是一家企业的有价值的记录,一定大大超出了其创始人的希望。也许这种亲和力被故意淡化了。为 1983 年的奖项提交参赛作品的邀请警告说,“评委将特别注意努力创造有吸引力的公众形象,而不是严格遵守特定的历史时期”。这种务实的方法仍然是奖项的标志;尽管评审团内部偶尔会出现分歧,但奖项并未寻求成为纯粹的建筑作品。尽管如此,这是一家企业的有价值的记录,一定大大超出了其创始人的希望。为 1983 年的奖项提交参赛作品的邀请警告说,“评委将特别注意努力创造有吸引力的公众形象,而不是严格遵守特定的历史时期”。这种务实的方法仍然是奖项的标志;尽管评审团内部偶尔会出现分歧,但奖项并未寻求成为纯粹的建筑作品。尽管如此,这是一家企业的有价值的记录,一定大大超出了其创始人的希望。为 1983 年的奖项提交参赛作品的邀请警告说,“评委将特别注意努力创造有吸引力的公众形象,而不是严格遵守特定的历史时期”。这种务实的方法仍然是奖项的标志;尽管评审团内部偶尔会出现分歧,但奖项并未寻求成为纯粹的建筑作品。尽管如此,这是一家企业的有价值的记录,一定大大超出了其创始人的希望。