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Tangible Distributed Computer Music for Youth
Computer Music Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1162/comj_a_00420
R. Benjamin Shapiro 1 , Annie Kelly 1 , Matthew Ahrens 2 , Ben Johnson 3 , Heather Politi 4 , Rebecca Fiebrink 5

Computer music research realizes a vision of performance by means of computational expression, linking body and space to sound and imagery through eclectic forms of sensing and interaction. This vision could dramatically influence computer science education, simultaneously modernizing the field and drawing in diverse new participants. In this article, we describe our work creating an interactive computer music toolkit for youth called BlockyTalky. This toolkit enables users to create networks of sensing devices and synthesizers, and to program the musical and interactive behaviors of these devices. We also describe our work with two middle-school teachers to codesign and deploy a curriculum for 11- to 13-year-old students. We draw on work with these students to evidence how computer music can support learning about computer science concepts and change students' perceptions of computing. We conclude by outlining some remaining questions around how computer music and computer science may best be linked to provide transformative educational experiences.



计算机音乐研究通过计算表达,通过不拘一格的传感和交互形式将身体和空间与声音和图像联系起来,实现了表演的愿景。这一愿景可以极大地影响计算机科学教育,同时使该领域现代化并吸引不同的新参与者。在本文中,我们将介绍我们为年轻人创建交互式计算机音乐工具包 BlockyTalky 的工作。该工具包使用户能够创建传感设备和合成器网络,并对这些设备的音乐和交互行为进行编程。我们还描述了我们与两名中学教师共同设计和部署面向 11 至 13 岁学生的课程的工作。我们利用与这些学生的合作来证明计算机音乐如何支持学习计算机科学概念并改变学生对计算的看法。最后,我们概述了有关计算机音乐和计算机科学如何最好地联系起来以提供变革性教育体验的一些剩余问题。