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Insights from transaction data: Norwegian aquaculture exports
Aquaculture Economics & Management ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-31 , DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2019.1683914
Hans-Martin Straume 1 , Ursula Landazuri-Tveteraas 2 , Atle Oglend 2

Abstract This paper discusses how transaction data can be used to shed light on trade dynamics in seafood exports, with Norwegian salmon exports as the case. There is a large literature on exports and imports of salmon between countries, but less is known about how the heterogeneity of exporters and importers relates to the aggregate data. We utilize transaction data for all exports of salmon in the period 2010–2014 and show that firms involved in salmon exports holds several of the characteristics that are commonly found in the international trade literature, but differs in some important dimensions. Most exporters of salmon connect to relatively many importers and serve many different destination markets. Short-lived trade relations are shown to account for a large share of export values.



摘要 本文讨论了如何使用交易数据来阐明海产品出口的贸易动态,以挪威鲑鱼出口为例。有大量关于国家间鲑鱼进出口的文献,但对出口商和进口商的异质性与总体数据之间的关系知之甚少。我们利用 2010-2014 年期间所有三文鱼出口的交易数据,表明参与三文鱼出口的公司具有国际贸易文献中常见的几个特征,但在一些重要方面有所不同。大多数鲑鱼出口商与相对较多的进口商有联系,并为许多不同的目的地市场提供服务。短期贸易关系在出口值中占很大份额。