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Effects of kaolin and limestone on infestation of South American fruit fly in citrus orchards
Biological Agriculture & Horticulture ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-17 , DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2018.1512897
Cláudia Bernardes Ourique 1 , Luiza Rodrigues Redaelli 1 , Caio Fábio Stoffel Efrom 2 , Douglas Pedrini 1

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the effects of applying mineral films on infestations by Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) (Dip.: Tephritidae) in Céu and Valencia sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis). The treatments consisted of either kaolin or liquid limestone (calcium carbonate) at 20% concentrations, both with addition of 0.1% Break Thru® adhesive spreader, plus a control treatment (no applications). The spraying was performed in the Céu orchard in Pareci Novo, state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, from March to April 2015, and in the Valencia orchard in Taquari, RS, from May to August 2015. Each tree received 1.5 L of the respective formulations, applied by spraying. Fruits from the canopy and from the ground under each tree were harvested and arranged in containers with sand and stored in a chamber or a greenhouse for 30 days. The sand was then sieved and the fruits opened to remove the larvae and/or pupae. The physical-chemical attributes of the fruits harvested at the last sampling (during fruit harvest) were analysed. In both orchards, fruits collected from the canopy had similar numbers of pupae + larvae per canopy for kaolin and calcium carbonate treatments, and both were lower than in the control treatment. The fruits showed no physiological changes resulting from the treatments.



摘要 本研究评估了应用矿物薄膜对 Céu 和 Valencia 甜橙 (Citrus sinensis) 中按实实蝇 (Wied.) (Dip.: Tephritidae) 侵染的影响。处理包括浓度为 20% 的高岭土或液体石灰石(碳酸钙),两者均添加 0.1% Break Thru® 粘合剂撒布机,以及对照处理(无应用)。2015 年 3 月至 4 月在巴西南里奥格兰德州 (RS) 的 Pareci Novo 的 Céu 果园进行了喷洒,并于 2015 年 5 月至 8 月在 RS 的 Taquari 的 Valencia 果园进行了喷洒。每棵树收到了 1.5 L 各自的制剂,通过喷雾施用。收获树冠上和每棵树下地面的果实,将果实装在装有沙子的容器中,然后在室内或温室中储存 30 天。然后将沙子过筛并打开果实以去除幼虫和/或蛹。分析了最后一次取样(水果收获期间)收获的水果的理化属性。在这两个果园中,高岭土和碳酸钙处理从冠层采集的果实每个冠层的蛹 + 幼虫数量相似,两者均低于对照处理。果实没有表现出由处理引起的生理变化。