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Design and ideology: innovation and the magistrates’ court
Griffith Law Review ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10383441.2018.1592741
Emma Henderson 1 , Kirsty Duncanson 2

ABSTRACT In this article, we examine the convergence of design, ideology and practice in three contemporary Australian magistrates’ courts. Using the formative analytical work of Pat Carlen and Doreen McBarnet, we juxtapose the Neighbourhood Justice Centre in Melbourne against Magistrates’ Courts in Brisbane and Perth. Our findings demonstrate the continued centrality of the ‘ideology of triviality’ and the continued reality of the ‘theatre of the absurd’ in contemporary mainstream magistrates’ courts, leading us to argue that magistrates’ justice needs to be both radically rethought and rehoused if it is to meet modern expectations of justice.



摘要 在本文中,我们考察了澳大利亚三个当代地方法院的设计、意识形态和实践的融合。利用 Pat Carlen 和 Doreen McBarnet 的形成性分析工作,我们将墨尔本的邻里司法中心与布里斯班和珀斯的地方法院并置。我们的研究结果证明了“琐碎意识形态”的持续中心地位和当代主流裁判法院中“荒诞剧场”的持续现实,导致我们认为裁判官的司法需要从根本上重新思考和重新安置,如果它是为了满足现代对正义的期望。