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Spinoza: Multiple identities at the origins of psychoanalytic psychology
International Forum of Psychoanalysis ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-23 , DOI: 10.1080/0803706x.2019.1634285
Ian S. Miller

Abstract The present paper addresses Baruch Spinoza’s radical affirmation of individual identity emergent from within the psychosocial tensions of group membership. Focusing upon psychological experience beginning with a lived history of fearful Inquisitional persecution, and continuing from conformity to rebellion within the constraints of the Amsterdam Jewish synagogue, we trace the psychological recognition of individual identity in Spinoza’s understanding of the self-determined, immanent acts of daily life. Spinoza’s multiple names are depicted as markers, corresponding to membership in mutually exclusive social groups, each constraining freedom of thought and action.



摘要 本文论述了巴鲁克·斯宾诺莎 (Baruch Spinoza) 对源自群体成员的心理社会紧张局势的个人身份的激进肯定。关注从可怕的宗教裁判所迫害的鲜活历史开始的心理体验,并在阿姆斯特丹犹太教堂的约束下从顺从到反叛,我们追溯了斯宾诺莎对自我决定的、内在的日常行为的理解中对个人身份的心理认知。生活。斯宾诺莎的多个名字被描绘成标记,对应于相互排斥的社会群体的成员资格,每个名字都限制了思想和行动的自由。