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Transformations of Phosphorus and Other Plant Nutrients in Poultry Litter Composted with Sugarcane and Cabbage Wastes
Compost Science & Utilization ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-12 , DOI: 10.1080/1065657x.2017.1396268
Asma Saleem 1 , Iftikhar Fareed 2 , Muhammad Irshad 1 , Qaisar Mahmood 1 , A. Egrinya Eneji 3 , Muhammad Shahzad 1

ABSTRACT Poultry litter (PL) is a significant source of nutrients, but a suitable amount of carbon needs to be added as a bulking agent during its composting to a stable nutrient source. Here, we characterized the transformation of phosphorus and other plant nutrients during aerobic composting of PL with sugarcane (SW) and cabbage waste (CW) for 120 d. Periodic samples were collected during composting and analyzed for total C, P (and its fractions), K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, EC and pH. At the initial stage of composting (20 d), the P fractions varied in the order: water soluble P > NaHCO3-P (readily plant-available) > HCl-P (Ca+Mg-bound) > residual-P > NaOH-P (Fe+Al-bound). After 120 d, the order was HCl-P > residual-P > water-P > NaHCO3-P > NaOH-P. These variations suggested a transformation of labile Pi to more recalcitrant forms during composting. Water soluble P was the dominant fraction during the initial composting period. This declined progressively with time of composting, while the HCl-P increased, confirming the transformation of the more vulnerable water soluble P to the more recalcitrant HCl-extractable P. This indicated that the composting could be a useful way of managing manure for P stabilization and reducing its losses in runoff water following land application. The total C varied directly with the ratio of sugarcane and cabbage wastes in the manure but was inversely related to the duration of composting. Extractable K, Ca, Mg, and Na increased whereas trace elements concentrations decreased with time of composting. The higher availability of basic plant nutrients and reduced availability of heavy metals in the mature compost are valuable attributes for safe use in sustainable agricultural production.



摘要 家禽垫料 (PL) 是重要的养分来源,但在堆肥过程中需要添加适量的碳作为填充剂,以获得稳定的养分来源。在这里,我们表征了 PL 与甘蔗 (SW) 和卷心菜废料 (CW) 有氧堆肥 120 天期间磷和其他植物养分的转化。在堆肥过程中定期收集样品并分析总 C、P(及其部分)、K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Zn、Mn、EC 和 pH 值。在堆肥的初始阶段(20 d),P 组分的变化顺序为:水溶性 P > NaHCO3-P(植物容易获得)> HCl-P(Ca+Mg 结合)> 残留-P > NaOH- P(Fe+Al结合)。120 d后,顺序为HCl-P>残留-P>水-P>NaHCO3-P>NaOH-P。这些变化表明在堆肥过程中不稳定的 Pi 转变为更顽固的形式。在堆肥初期,水溶性磷是主要成分。这随着堆肥的时间逐渐减少,而 HCl-P 增加,证实了更脆弱的水溶性 P 转化为更顽固的 HCl 可提取 P。这表明堆肥可能是管理粪便以稳定 P 的有用方法并减少其在土地应用后在径流水中的损失。总碳随粪便中甘蔗和卷心菜废物的比例直接变化,但与堆肥持续时间成反比。可提取的 K、Ca、Mg 和 Na 增加,而微量元素浓度随着堆肥的时间而减少。