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Environmental aspects of using gas chromatography for determination of pharmaceutical residues in samples characterized by different composition of the matrix
Archives of Environmental Protection ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1515/aep-2017-0028
Joanna Sadkowska , Magda Caban , Mariusz Chmielewski , Piotr Stepnowski , Jolanta Kumirska

Abstract This paper aims at presenting the possibilities of applying gas chromatography for the determination of pharmaceutical residues in different matrices. Section one of the study underscores the environmental advantages of employing GC for such analyses. Section two presents the innovative methods for determining pharmaceuticals in the environment. The last section discusses the results of the analysis of the GC and GC-MS market in Poland. According to the literature data, the described methods were applied for the analysis of real samples: wastewaters, surface waters, soil samples. The samples were collected from the Pomerania region and the Gulf of Gdańsk. The pharmaceuticals were determined in various environmental samples. The highest concentrations were found in raw wastewater, medium – in a treated wastewater, and the lowest – in surface water. The most frequently detected pharmaceuticals were: ibuprofen, paracetamol, diclofenac and naproxen, all belonging to NSAIDs. Furthermore, the results of the study of the Polish GC market indicate that a very limited number of entities are currently using chromatographic techniques, and pharmaceutical residues tests are exceptions, mainly due to the lack of the legal requirements in this field and the lack of own laboratories.



摘要 本文旨在介绍应用气相色谱法测定不同基质中药物残留的可能性。研究的第一部分强调了使用 GC 进行此类分析的环境优势。第二部分介绍了确定环境中药物的创新方法。最后一部分讨论了波兰 GC 和 GC-MS 市场的分析结果。根据文献数据,所描述的方法适用于实际样品的分析:废水、地表水、土壤样品。样本来自波美拉尼亚地区和格但斯克湾。在各种环境样品中测定了药物。在原废水中发现最高浓度,中等 - 在处理过的废水中,而最低的——在地表水中。最常检测到的药物是:布洛芬、扑热息痛、双氯芬酸和萘普生,都属于非甾体抗炎药。此外,波兰 GC 市场的研究结果表明,目前使用色谱技术的实体非常有限,药物残留检测属于例外情况,主要是由于该领域缺乏法律要求以及缺乏自己的实验室。