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Principled action by young people: R4Respect
Queensland Review ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1017/qre.2017.13
Karen Struthers , Grace Williams

There is an international movement promoting youth participation models and principles to empower more young people to be active in positive social change. To counter the prevalence of domestic violence, young people are more often targets of change rather than the instigators. Primary prevention of domestic violence is being pursued through gender-based respectful relationships education with young people. Generally, these programs are delivered using conventional adult educator models. In this study, the first year of activity of an emerging youth-led program for delivering respectful relationships education (R4Respect) is evaluated through the views of the young participants, aged from sixteen to twenty-four years, and non-participant adult stakeholders. The development of the model was guided by Good Practice Principles for Youth Development (Seymour 2012). The program is assessed using the Tiffany–Eckenrode Program Participation Scale (TEPPS) (Tiffany et al. 2012). For this article, the major themes of the study were reviewed to identify those most relevant to the Good Practice Principles. The study affirms the importance of these principles to building a participatory model in which young people feel valued and supported. Increased funding, capacity, and greater clarity and fairness in roles and responsibilities among the youth participants are suggested as program improvements.



有一项促进青年参与模式和原则的国际运动,以赋予更多年轻人积极参与积极社会变革的能力。为了应对家庭暴力的盛行,年轻人往往是变革的目标,而不是煽动者。正在通过与年轻人进行基于性别的尊重关系教育,对家庭暴力进行初级预防。通常,这些计划是使用传统的成人教育者模式提供的。在这项研究中,通过年龄从 16 岁到 24 岁的年轻参与者和未参与的成年利益相关者的意见,评估了一项由青年主导的提供尊重关系教育的新兴计划 (R4Respect) 的第一年活动。该模型的开发以青年发展良好实践原则(Seymour 2012)为指导。该计划使用 Tiffany-Eckenrode 计划参与量表 (TEPPS)(Tiffany 等人,2012 年)进行评估。在本文中,回顾了研究的主要主题,以确定与良好实践原则最相关的主题。该研究肯定了这些原则对于建立一个让年轻人感到受到重视和支持的参与模式的重要性。建议增加资金、能力以及青年参与者角色和责任的更清晰和公平性,以作为计划改进。对研究的主要主题进行了审查,以确定与良好实践原则最相关的主题。该研究肯定了这些原则对于建立一个让年轻人感到受到重视和支持的参与模式的重要性。建议增加资金、能力以及青年参与者角色和责任的更清晰和公平性,以作为计划改进。对研究的主要主题进行了审查,以确定与良好实践原则最相关的主题。该研究肯定了这些原则对于建立一个让年轻人感到受到重视和支持的参与模式的重要性。建议增加资金、能力以及青年参与者角色和责任的更清晰和公平,以作为计划改进。