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Beyond the ‘crisis and losers of globalisation’ thesis: Explaining the appeal of One Nation
Queensland Review ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1017/qre.2018.4
Frank Mols , Jolanda Jetten

There appears widespread consensus that economic downturns and peaks in immigration boost the appeal of populist parties. Economic crises, so the argument typically goes, increase fear and frustration among poor working-class voters. According to this 'losers of globalisation' logic, the recent revival of populist parties like One Nation should be attributed the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and a worsening global refugee crisis. At first glance, this logic seems plausible and intuitive. However, recent research has revealed that populist parties can thrive in times of economic prosperity, and attract large numbers of relatively affluent voters. According to this more recent research, support for populist parties tends to follow a V-curve pattern, with such parties attracting both voters who are 'doing it tough' financially (relative deprivation) and voters who enjoy above-average levels of prosperity (relative gratification). In this article, we analyse One Nation's performance in the 2017 Queensland state elections from this new vantage point. Although we did not encounter a clear V-curve pattern, the findings nonetheless confirm earlier research showing that 'income' is a poor predictor of One Nation support. Discussion focuses on directions for future research, and urges populism researchers to move beyond a narrow focus on crisis, deprivation, and 'losers of globalisation'.



人们似乎普遍认为,经济下滑和移民高峰会提高民粹主义政党的吸引力。经济危机,所以论点通常是这样,增加贫困工人阶级选民的恐惧和沮丧。根据这种“全球化的失败者”的逻辑,最近一国党等民粹主义政党的复兴应该归因于全球金融危机(GFC)和不断恶化的全球难民危机。乍一看,这种逻辑似乎合理且直观。然而,最近的研究表明,民粹主义政党可以在经济繁荣时期蓬勃发展,并吸引大量相对富裕的选民。根据这项最近的研究,对民粹主义政党的支持往往遵循 V 型曲线模式,这些政党吸引了“努力做事”的两个选民 经济上(相对剥夺)和享有高于平均水平的繁荣(相对满足)的选民。在本文中,我们将从这个新的角度分析 One Nation 在 2017 年昆士兰州选举中的表现。尽管我们没有遇到明确的 V 型曲线模式,但研究结果证实了早期的研究表明,“收入”是一个国家支持的糟糕预测指标。讨论的重点是未来研究的方向,并敦促民粹主义研究人员超越对危机、贫困和“全球化失败者”的狭隘关注。尽管我们没有遇到明确的 V 型曲线模式,但研究结果证实了早期的研究表明,“收入”是一个国家支持的糟糕预测指标。讨论的重点是未来研究的方向,并敦促民粹主义研究人员超越对危机、贫困和“全球化失败者”的狭隘关注。尽管我们没有遇到明确的 V 型曲线模式,但研究结果证实了早期的研究表明,“收入”是一个国家支持的糟糕预测指标。讨论的重点是未来研究的方向,并敦促民粹主义研究人员超越对危机、贫困和“全球化失败者”的狭隘关注。