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The effects of temperature and pressure on the stability of mineral colloids
American Journal of Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.2475/09.2019.01
Isabel Barton

The stability of mineral colloids is well understood through numerous theoretical, experimental, and microscopic approaches. Nearly all of these, however, are for colloids at ambient or near-ambient conditions. The lack of studies at elevated temperature and pressure presents an obstacle to understanding the role that colloids may play in high-T and/or high-P settings such as geothermal works, hot springs, epithermal ore deposits, and deep crustal fluids. This study presents a first step toward quantitatively modeling the stability of mineral colloids for pressures from liquid-vapor equilibrium to 3000 bars and for temperatures from 25 to 400 °C, using the DLVO (Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek) theory as an approximation. Methods are given for recalculating each of the necessary input parameters for the pressure, temperature, and electrolyte type of interest. Example calculations for gold and silica colloids in dilute NaCl solutions show that increasing pressure stabilizes colloids, whereas increasing temperature destabilizes them, especially at lower pressures. The solutions presented are approximations, since potentially influential factors such as surface roughness, adsorbed species, and non-DLVO forces are not considered. However, the results obtained are consistent with the limited experimental data available for colloids at the relevant conditions and offer an initial step toward quantitatively modeling colloid behavior at elevated pressures and temperatures.



通过许多理论、实验和微观方法可以很好地理解矿物胶体的稳定性。然而,几乎所有这些都是针对环境或接近环境条件下的胶体。缺乏对高温和高压的研究阻碍了了解胶体在地热工程、温泉、超热矿床和深层地壳流体等高温和/或高压环境中可能发挥的作用。本研究展示了使用 DLVO(Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek)理论作为近似值,对从液-汽平衡到 3000 bar 的压力和 25 到 400 °C 的温度下矿物胶体稳定性进行定量建模的第一步. 给出了重新计算压力、温度、和感兴趣的电解质类型。稀释 NaCl 溶液中金和二氧化硅胶体的计算示例表明,增加压力会使胶体稳定,而增加温度会使它们不稳定,尤其是在较低压力下。给出的解决方案是近似值,因为没有考虑潜在的影响因素,如表面粗糙度、吸附物质和非 DLVO 力。然而,获得的结果与在相关条件下胶体可用的有限实验数据一致,并为在升高的压力和温度下对胶体行为进行定量建模提供了初步步骤。尤其是在较低的压力下。给出的解决方案是近似值,因为没有考虑潜在的影响因素,如表面粗糙度、吸附物质和非 DLVO 力。然而,获得的结果与在相关条件下胶体可用的有限实验数据一致,并为在升高的压力和温度下对胶体行为进行定量建模提供了初步步骤。尤其是在较低的压力下。给出的解决方案是近似值,因为没有考虑潜在的影响因素,如表面粗糙度、吸附物质和非 DLVO 力。然而,获得的结果与在相关条件下胶体可用的有限实验数据一致,并为在升高的压力和温度下对胶体行为进行定量建模提供了初步步骤。