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A model for the solubility of minerals in saline aqueous fluids in the crust and upper mantle
American Journal of Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.2475/09.2019.02
Hanna L. Brooks , Matthew Steele-MacInnis

Quantifying and predicting the solubility of minerals in saline aqueous fluids across wide ranges of pressure, temperature and salinity is critical for interpreting geologic processes. Here, we define a new thermodynamic model for mineral solubility in saline aqueous fluids. The model is based in part on coupling two previous models: one for the solubility of minerals in pure H2O fluids as function of temperature and fluid density (Dolejš and Manning, 2010), with the additional effects of salinity modeled based in part on Akinfiev and Diamond (2009), with some modifications and additions. Specifically, the new model adopts a modified version of the approach by Akinfiev and Diamond (2009) to incorporate the effect salinity on solvent density, with additional expressions added for the equilibrium constants of reactions involving explicit sodium and/or chloride species. The new generic model is applicable to the solubility of minerals that dissolve as hydrous species, sodium and/or chloride species, and combinations thereof. The model has been calibrated according to experimentally determined solubilities for six common rock-forming minerals – quartz, calcite, corundum, fluorapatite, fluorite, and rutile – in H2O-NaCl solutions at temperatures up to 1100 °C and pressures up to 20 kbar. Data and trends in experimental measurements are well reproduced by the model, and the accuracy is within experimental uncertainty. In the case of pure H2O fluids (zero salinity), the model is implicitly equivalent to that of Dolejš and Manning (2010). This thermodynamic model, accounting for dissolution reactions in saline fluids over an extreme range of pressure, temperature and salinity, will allow for robust modeling of reactions and mass transport in natural systems.



量化和预测矿物质在广泛的压力、温度和盐度范围内的盐水溶液中的溶解度对于解释地质过程至关重要。在这里,我们为盐水溶液中的矿物溶解度定义了一个新的热力学模型。该模型部分基于耦合先前的两个模型:一个模型用于作为温度和流体密度的函数的纯 H2O 流体中矿物质的溶解度(Dolejš 和 Manning,2010 年),盐度的额外影响部分基于 Akinfiev 和Diamond (2009),有一些修改和补充。具体来说,新模型采用了 Akinfiev 和 Diamond (2009) 方法的修改版本,以纳入盐度对溶剂密度的影响,为涉及明确的钠和/或氯物种的反应的平衡常数添加了额外的表达式。新的通用模型适用于溶解为含水物质、钠和/或氯化物物质及其组合的矿物质的溶解度。该模型已根据实验确定的六种常见造岩矿物(石英、方解石、刚玉、氟磷灰石、萤石和金红石)在温度高达 1100 °C 和压力高达 20 kbar 的 H2O-NaCl 溶液中的溶解度进行了校准。该模型很好地再现了实验测量的数据和趋势,精度在实验不确定性范围内。在纯 H2O 流体(零盐度)的情况下,该模型隐含地等效于 Dolejš 和 Manning (2010) 的模型。这个热力学模型,