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Drawing a computer scientist: stereotypical representations or lack of awareness?
Computer Science Education Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/08993408.2018.1533780
Katarina Pantic 1 , Jody Clarke-Midura 1 , Frederick Poole 1 , Jared Roller 1 , Vicki Allan 2

ABSTRACT Stereotypes people hold about computer scientists contribute to underrepresentation in computer science. Perceptions of computer scientists have historically been linked to males and a “nerd” culture, which can lead to lack of interest, particularly for girls. This article presents two studies conducted with two groups of middle schoolers: those who attended our programming camp (Study One) and those who did not (Study Two). After analyzing participants’ drawings and two survey questions we found that perceptions youth holds about computer scientists may be improving. Additionally, we found that males (versus females) and those youth who did not attend our camp (versus those who did) tended to have more stereotypical perceptions of computer scientists. With this article, we contribute to the literature on CS stereotypes by examining both positive and negative representations youth had about computer scientists. We also cast light on the lack of awareness about this profession among the youth of this age.



摘要 人们对计算机科学家的刻板印象导致计算机科学的代表性不足。历史上,对计算机科学家的看法与男性和“书呆子”文化有关,这可能导致缺乏兴趣,尤其是对女孩而言。本文介绍了对两组中学生进行的两项研究:参加了我们的编程营(学习一)和未参加(第二学习)的中学生。在分析了参与者的图纸和两个调查问题后,我们发现年轻人对计算机科学家的看法可能正在改善。此外,我们发现男性(相对于女性)和那些没有参加我们营地的年轻人(相对于那些参加过我们的人)往往对计算机科学家有更多的刻板印象。有了这篇文章,我们通过检查年轻人对计算机科学家的正面和负面描述,为有关 CS 刻板印象的文献做出贡献。我们还阐明了这个年龄段的年轻人对这一职业缺乏认识。