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Review of measurements used in computing education research and suggestions for increasing standardization
Computer Science Education Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08993408.2018.1562145
Lauren Margulieux 1 , Tuba Ayer Ketenci 2 , Adrienne Decker 3

ABSTRACT Background and context: The variables that researchers measure and how they measure them are central in any area of research, including computing education. Which research questions can be asked and how they are answered depends on measurement. Objective: To summarize the commonly used variables and measurements in computing education and to compare them to best practices in measurement for human-subjects research. Method: Systematic literature review analyzing 197 papers published during 2013–2017 in computing education research venues. Findings: The review illuminates common practices related to: variables measured (including learner characteristics), measurements used, and type of data analysis. The paper lists standardized measurements that were used and highlights commonly used variables for which no standardized measures exist. Implications: The paper concludes with information about best practices currently being used in the community that should be continued, as well as pointing out practices that could be improved along with recommendations for how to begin to adopt those best practices.



摘要 背景和背景:研究人员衡量的变量以及他们如何衡量这些变量是任何研究领域的核心,包括计算教育。可以提出哪些研究问题以及如何回答这些问题取决于测量。目标:总结计算机教育中常用的变量和测量,并将它们与人类受试者研究测量的最佳实践进行比较。方法:系统的文献综述分析了 2013-2017 年在计算教育研究场所发表的 197 篇论文。结果:审查阐明了与以下相关的常见做法:测量的变量(包括学习者特征)、使用的测量和数据分析的类型。该论文列出了使用的标准化测量,并强调了不存在标准化测量的常用变量。