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Rambunctious Games: A Manifesto for Environmental Game Design
Art Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00043249.2020.1765557
Alenda Y. Chang

Nature in a Post-Wild World (New York: Bloomsbury, 2011). 2. As promulgated by Donna Haraway, Jussi Parikka, and Jason Moore in their respective writings. 3. Kathryn Yusoff, A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018). 4. Nicole Seymour, Bad Environmentalism: Irony and Irreverence in the Ecological Age (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018). 5. Anne-Lise François, “Flower Fisting,” Postmodern Culture 22, no. 1 (September 2011): 1–18. Amorous flowers quiver and invite my touch as I travel, dreamlike, down their seemingly endless petal-enclosed corridors. At first they lie pale and inert, but with each bud I caress, the petals pulse and flush a vibrant hue. These flowers also engage in textual foreplay and, as they grow more excited, express their appreciation with a sensuous wash of surreal elements—lips, fruit, bees, rainbows, boats, and so on, according to each flower’s theme. A fully aroused bloom, saturated with color and dancing with symbols, may at last be brought to climax, leaving you to collect seeds in furtherance of a rather unorthodox garden. These startling scenes of botanical gratification transpire within the game Luxuria Superbia, developed by the creative duo of Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn, who work under the moniker Tale of Tales and have produced many well-known, experimental games, including The Endless Forest (2005), The Graveyard (2008), and The Path (2009). Luxuria Superbia was initially released in November 2013 for desktop, tablets, and smartphones (as well as the ill-fated Ouya microconsole) and won the Nuovo Award for innovative design at the Independent Games Festival in 2014. For the purposes of this essay, Luxuria Superbia conveniently demonstrates a “rambunctious” quality that I will argue is desirable in games looking to manifest an environmental edge. The Oxford English Dictionary defines “rambunctious” as “uncontrollably exuberant” or “boisterous, wild, unruly,” but notes that the term typically describes a person. Yet rambunctious is also how environmental journalist Emma Marris characterizes the likely future of our planet.1 On a globe irrevocably altered by human action and inaction, we must relinquish the myth of wilderness preservation and turn our attention to cultivating, at best, Earth as a “rambunctious garden.” Such a garden has much in common with recent attempts to rename our current geological epoch from the Holocene to the Anthropocene, Anthrobscene, Chthulucene,2 and so on, but as a metaphor it is noticeably less melancholy, directing us toward a “post-wild” natural world where, in effect, we let ecological bygones be bygones and allow ourselves to cherish what remains. This does not absolve us of our mistakes,3 but reorients us around practices of care and cultivation freed from the onus of a prelapsarian environmental purity. Rambunctiousness is intuitively related to the irony and irreverence celebrated by Nicole Seymour in Bad Environmentalism.4 As Luxuria Superbia’s cheeky goal of pleasuring flowers—ideally, not too quickly but fully—reminds us, raising a garden of true earthly delights requires more than one finger and, better yet, multiple hands and even the occasional kiss. Flowers were already the perfect emblem for immodest play. Literary scholar Anne-Lise François has noted “the common association of flowers with promiscuity, easy availability, whoredom, transience, and commonness itself,” as well as the more general “discrepancy between appearance and essence for which the flower is the trope par excellence.”5 Although François is notably less sanguine about real-world attempts to mitigate the collapse of honeybee populations with human hand pollination, Luxuria Superbia involves its players in a similar but more joyfully exuberant experience, a welcome departure from both games and botanical practices premised on totalizing, engineering approaches to species and landscapes. The only point system in Luxuria Superbia is the “delight score,” shown in Alenda Y. Chang


Rambunctious Games:环境游戏设计宣言

后野生世界中的自然(纽约:布卢姆斯伯里,2011 年)。2. 由 Donna Haraway、Jussi Parikka 和 Jason Moore 在各自的著作中公布。3. Kathryn Yusoff,十亿黑人人类世或无(明尼阿波利斯:明尼苏达大学出版社,2018 年)。4. Nicole Seymour, Bad Environmentalism: Irony and Irreverence in the Ecological Age(明尼阿波利斯:明尼苏达大学出版社,2018 年)。5. Anne-Lise François,“花拳”,后现代文化 22,没有。1(2011 年 9 月):1-18。多情的花朵颤动着,在我如梦似幻地沿着它们看似无尽的花瓣环绕的走廊旅行时,邀请我的触摸。起初,它们苍白而惰性,但随着我抚摸每一个花蕾,花瓣都会脉动并呈现出充满活力的色调。这些花也参与文字前戏,随着它们变得更加兴奋,根据每朵花的主题,用超现实主义元素——嘴唇、水果、蜜蜂、彩虹、船等,表达他们的欣赏。一朵盛开、色彩饱和、符号翩翩起舞的盛开,最终可能会达到高潮,让您收集种子以促进一个相当非正统的花园。这些令人惊奇的植物满足场景出现在游戏 Luxuria Superbia 中,该游戏由 Auriea Harvey 和 Michaël Samyn 的创意二人组开发,他们在绰号 Tale of Tales 下工作,并制作了许多著名的实验游戏,包括 The Endless Forest (2005) )、墓地 (2008) 和路径 (2009)。Luxuria Superbia 最初于 2013 年 11 月发布,适用于台式机、平板电脑、和智能手机(以及命运多舛的 Ouya 微控制台),并在 2014 年独立游戏节上获得了创新设计 Nuovo 奖。 就本文而言,Luxuria Superbia 方便地展示了一种“粗暴”的品质,我认为是在希望表现出环境优势的游戏中是理想的。《牛津英语词典》将“rambunctious”定义为“无法控制的旺盛”或“喧闹、狂野、不守规矩”,但指出该术语通常用于描述一个人。然而,环境记者艾玛·马里斯 (Emma Marris) 描述我们星球可能的未来的方式也很粗暴。 1 在一个因人类的作为和不作为而不可逆转地改变的地球上,我们必须放弃荒野保护的神话,并将我们的注意力转向培育地球,充其量是将地球作为“喧闹的花园。”这样的花园与最近将我们当前的地质时代从全新世重命名为人类世、人类世、克苏鲁世等的尝试有很多共同之处,但作为一个比喻,它明显不那么忧郁,将我们引向“后-野生”自然世界,实际上,我们让生态的过去成为过去,让自己珍惜剩下的东西。这并不能免除我们的错误,3 而是让我们重新定位于护理和培养实践,摆脱了堕落前环境纯洁的责任。喧闹与妮可·西摩在《坏环境主义》中所宣扬的讽刺和不敬在直觉上有关。 4 Luxuria Superbia 取悦鲜花的厚颜无耻的目标——理想情况下,不是太快但完全——提醒我们,建造一个真正世俗乐趣的花园需要不止一根手指而且,更好的是,多只手,甚至偶尔的亲吻。鲜花已经是不正经的游戏的完美象征。文学学者安妮-莉丝·弗朗索瓦 (Anne-Lise François) 指出“鲜花与滥交、易得、淫乱、短暂和普通本身的共同关联”,以及更普遍的“外观和本质之间的差异,鲜花是其卓越的比喻” .”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中通过人类手授粉减轻蜜蜂种群崩溃的尝试并不那么乐观,但 Luxuria Superbia 让它的玩家参与了一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验,这是对游戏和植物实践的可喜背离关于物种和景观的总体工程方法。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数” 鲜花已经是不正经的游戏的完美象征。文学学者安妮-莉丝·弗朗索瓦 (Anne-Lise François) 指出“鲜花与滥交、容易获得、淫乱、短暂和普通本身的共同关联”,以及更普遍的“外观和本质之间的差异,鲜花是其卓越的比喻.”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中通过人类手授粉减轻蜜蜂种群崩溃的尝试并不那么乐观,但 Luxuria Superbia 让它的玩家参与了一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验,这是对游戏和植物实践的可喜背离关于物种和景观的总体工程方法。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数” 鲜花已经是不正经的游戏的完美象征。文学学者安妮-莉丝·弗朗索瓦 (Anne-Lise François) 指出“鲜花与滥交、容易获得、淫乱、短暂和普通本身的共同关联”,以及更普遍的“外观和本质之间的差异,鲜花是其卓越的比喻.”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中通过人类手授粉减轻蜜蜂种群崩溃的尝试并不那么乐观,但 Luxuria Superbia 让它的玩家参与了一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验,这是对游戏和植物实践的可喜背离关于物种和景观的总体工程方法。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数” 文学学者安妮-莉丝·弗朗索瓦 (Anne-Lise François) 指出“鲜花与滥交、容易获得、淫乱、短暂和普通本身的共同关联”,以及更普遍的“外观和本质之间的差异,鲜花是其卓越的比喻.”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中通过人类手授粉减轻蜜蜂种群崩溃的尝试明显不那么乐观,但 Luxuria Superbia 让它的玩家参与了一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验,这是对游戏和植物实践的可喜背离关于物种和景观的总体工程方法。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数” 文学学者安妮-莉丝·弗朗索瓦 (Anne-Lise François) 指出“鲜花与滥交、容易获得、淫乱、短暂和普通本身的共同关联”,以及更普遍的“外观和本质之间的差异,鲜花是其卓越的比喻.”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中通过人类手授粉减轻蜜蜂种群崩溃的尝试并不那么乐观,但 Luxuria Superbia 让它的玩家参与了一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验,这是对游戏和植物实践的可喜背离关于物种和景观的总体工程方法。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数” 妓女、短暂性和普遍性本身”,以及更普遍的“外观和本质之间的差异,花是其卓越的比喻。”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中试图减轻蜜蜂崩溃的尝试并不那么乐观Luxuria Superbia 与人类手授粉的人群一样,让其玩家参与到一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验中,这是对以对物种和景观进行综合工程方法为前提的游戏和植物学实践的可喜背离。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数” 妓女、短暂性和普遍性本身”,以及更普遍的“外观和本质之间的差异,花是其卓越的比喻。”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中试图减轻蜜蜂崩溃的尝试并不那么乐观Luxuria Superbia 与人类手授粉的人群一样,让其玩家参与到一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验中,这是对以对物种和景观进行综合工程方法为前提的游戏和植物学实践的可喜背离。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数” ”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中通过人工授粉减轻蜜蜂种群崩溃的尝试并不那么乐观,但 Luxuria Superbia 让它的玩家参与了一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验,这是对游戏和植物实践的可喜背离物种和景观的综合工程方法。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数” ”5 尽管弗朗索瓦对现实世界中通过人类手授粉减轻蜜蜂种群崩溃的尝试并不那么乐观,但 Luxuria Superbia 让它的玩家参与了一种类似但更快乐、充满活力的体验,这是对游戏和植物实践的可喜背离物种和景观的综合工程方法。Luxuria Superbia 中唯一的积分系统是 Alenda Y. Chang 中显示的“喜悦分数”