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Designing bowel preparation patient instructions to improve colon cancer detection
Information Visualization ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-31 , DOI: 10.1075/idj.25.1.09noe
Guillermina Noël 1, 2 , Jorge Frascara 3 , Clarence Wong 4

Abstract Medical personnel usually write and design documents that inform physicians or patients about procedures or therapies. Document design, however, requires skills that are not normally applied, resulting in information that is often not used properly. This article describes a project developed by the Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program. The goal was to help patients better prepare for their colonoscopies. The process started with an analysis of the existing documents, and the development of performance specifications based on the literature on legibility, reading comprehension, memorization and use of information, plain language, visual perception, page layout, and image use. The project included an iterative process of prototyping and testing that resulted in 23 design criteria. Each iteration was tested with users to ensure ease of use, completeness of information, and accuracy and clarity to facilitate adoption. The project helped reduce practice variation regarding bowel preparation in the province of Alberta, Canada. This project illustrates how information design can help healthcare organizations provide patient-centred care. Information design helps patients engage in their own caring process, by providing information that people can use, understand and apply. After 15 months of use, the document has been downloaded more than 48,000 times, suggesting a good physician reception.



摘要 医务人员通常编写和设计文件,告知医生或患者有关程序或治疗的信息。然而,文档设计需要通常不会应用的技能,导致信息经常不能正确使用。本文介绍了由艾伯塔省结肠直肠癌筛查计划开发的一个项目。目标是帮助患者更好地准备结肠镜检查。该过程从对现有文档的分析开始,并根据有关易读性、阅读理解、记忆和信息使用、通俗语言、视觉感知、页面布局和图像使用的文献制定性能规范。该项目包括原型设计和测试的迭代过程,产生了 23 个设计标准。每次迭代都经过用户测试,以确保易用性、信息完整性以及准确性和清晰度,以促进采用。该项目帮助减少了加拿大艾伯塔省肠道准备方面的实践差异。该项目说明了信息设计如何帮助医疗机构提供以患者为中心的护理。信息设计通过提供人们可以使用、理解和应用的信息来帮助患者参与他们自己的护理过程。使用 15 个月后,该文件已被下载超过 48,000 次,表明医生接待良好。该项目说明了信息设计如何帮助医疗机构提供以患者为中心的护理。信息设计通过提供人们可以使用、理解和应用的信息来帮助患者参与他们自己的护理过程。使用 15 个月后,该文件已被下载超过 48,000 次,表明医生接待良好。该项目说明了信息设计如何帮助医疗机构提供以患者为中心的护理。信息设计通过提供人们可以使用、理解和应用的信息来帮助患者参与他们自己的护理过程。使用 15 个月后,该文件已被下载超过 48,000 次,表明医生接待良好。