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Psittacosaurus amitabha, a New Species of Ceratopsian Dinosaur from the Ondai Sayr Locality, Central Mongolia
American Museum Novitates ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-25 , DOI: 10.1206/3932.1
James G. Napoli 1 , Tyler Hunt 2 , Gregory M. Erickson 2 , Mark A. Norell 1

ABSTRACT Psittacosaurus is the most speciose nonavian dinosaur genus, represented by at least 10 (and possibly as many as 19) species uncovered over a wide geographic range. Here, we report a new species of large-bodied Psittacosaurus from the Ondai Sayr locality in central Mongolia, which has hitherto produced only one other Psittacosaurus specimen. This new species is characterized by: (1) an elongate snout, with a gently inclined rostronasal margin, (2) a cranium dorsally convex rather than flat, (3) a subtemporal length less than 40% of total skull length, (4) a maxillary lamina that cups the posterior toothrow, (5) five premaxillary foramina arrayed in an arc, (6) an antorbital fossa as long as it is wide, and (7) a palpebral with a well-developed posterior tonguelike process. Psittacosaurus amitabha is resolved as the most basal member of the genus Psittacosaurus in our phylogenetic analysis. This taxon expands our knowledge of the already-speciose genus Psittacosaurus as well as our understanding of the Ondai Sayr fauna, which is poorly known in comparison to other Mongolian Early Cretaceous localities.



摘要鹦鹉嘴龙是最特殊的非鸟类恐龙属,在广泛的地理范围内发现了至少 10 个(可能多达 19 个)物种。在这里,我们报告了一种来自蒙古中部 Ondai Sayr 地区的大型鹦鹉龙新种,该物种迄今为止仅产生了一个其他鹦鹉龙标本。这个新物种的特点是:(1)细长的鼻子,鼻尖边缘略微倾斜,(2)颅骨背凸而不是平坦的,(3)颞下长度小于颅骨总长度的 40%,(4)一个上颌骨板覆盖后牙托,(5) 五个上颌前孔排列成弧形,(6) 一个宽的眶前窝,以及 (7) 具有发达的后舌状突起的睑板。在我们的系统发育分析中,鹦鹉嘴龙被确定为鹦鹉嘴龙属的最基础成员。这个分类群扩展了我们对已经特异的鹦鹉嘴龙属的了解,以及我们对翁代赛尔动物群的了解,与其他蒙古早白垩世地区相比,温代赛尔动物群知之甚少。