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The Woman Victim in a Country in Crisis: A Reading of Tagwira's The Uncertainty of Hope
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2017.1392724
Tendai Mangena 1, 2

ABSTRACT The article is based on my reading of Valerie Tagwira’s The Uncertainty of Hope as a feminist text that portrays female victimhood in the context of a failing postcolonial state. Tagwira writes about the experiences of a woman against the background of Murambatsvina, officially termed ‘‘Operation Clean Up.’’ The Zimbabwean Operation Clean Up of 2005 was condemned worldwide; and in her novel, Tagwira gives an often-ignored dimension of a woman’s experience of it, in the general context of a country facing serious political, economic and social challenges. For Tagwira, the challenges faced by Onai, as well as those around her, do not have links to their racial identities. Thus, Tagwira redefines the enemyvictim trope of the Third Chimurenga by subverting the state’s interpretation of the struggle discourse of the Third Chimurenga. In the state’s discourse, the victim trope is racial, the state enemy is the former colonial master (in support of the opposition political party) and the victim is the previously colonised black. In my analysis, I have used Susan Wendell’s theory on oppression and victimisation as contained in her article Oppression and Victimization: Choice and Responsibility (1990).



摘要 这篇文章是基于我对瓦莱丽·塔格维拉 (Valerie Tagwira) 的《希望的不确定性》(The Uncertainty of Hope) 的阅读,这是一部描绘失败后殖民国家背景下女性受害者的女权主义文本。Tagwira 写了一位妇女在 Murambatsvina 的背景下的经历,官方称为“清理行动”。2005 年的津巴布韦清理行动受到了全世界的谴责;在她的小说中,塔格维拉在一个面临严重政治、经济和社会挑战的国家的总体背景下,提供了一个经常被忽视的女性体验维度。对于 Tagwira 来说,Onai 以及她周围的人所面临的挑战与他们的种族身份无关。因此,塔格维拉通过颠覆国家对第三次奇穆伦加斗争话语的解释,重新定义了第三次奇穆伦加的敌对受害者比喻。在国家话语中,受害者比喻是种族,国家敌人是前殖民主(支持反对党),受害者是以前被殖民的黑人。在我的分析中,我使用了苏珊温德尔在她的文章压迫和受害:选择和责任 (1990) 中所包含的关于压迫和受害的理论。