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International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2018.1484546
Simphiwe Sesanti 1

To the Editor—In 1990, a World Council of Coloproctology (WCCP) was formed at Hamilton Island in Australia with the goal of improving the exchange of information and communication among national and regional organizations of coloproctology. At that time, it recognized the existing confederations of the Latin American Association of Coloproctology (ALACP), the Asian Federation of Coloproctology (AFCP), and the European Council of Coloproctology (ECCP). The well-developed, historical “alliance” between the North American societies (ASCRS and Canadian, and Australasia) constitute an Oceanic Federation of Coloproctology (OFCP). The embryonic WCCP had some positive benefits including stimulation of the previously inactive AFCP to hold successful biennial meetings and acting as an “official body” to assist national groups of colorectal surgeons in their quest to convince their certifying authorities of the legitimacy of colorectal surgery as an independent specialty, e.g., Israel. However, it’s most useful activity has unquestionably been the stimulation of discussion on an international basis across the breadth of colorectal surgical services (covering such matters as organization and the establishment of national societies, the development of meetings, training, and scholarships). Most difficult to accommodate within this framework were the diversities of standards of living and unequal opportunities for surgeons and patients alike, and the importance of differing disease processes and incidence (and thus needs). Such variabilities produced significant difficulties in the development of a satisfactory constitution. An editorial in Colorectal Disease recently highlighted a historic synergy between the various disciplines engaged in the treatment of colorectal diseases and emphasized an ongoing process of collaboration, which is hoped will ultimately produce an amalgamation of the European Council of Coloproctology and the more recently developed European Association of Coloproctology. A standardized European colorectal training qualification has been a significant project in development by the EACP. Most professional associations throughout the rest of the colorectal surgical world have initially developed as national societies of colorectal surgery, some exclusive to surgeons (inviting participation by colleagues in related disciplines when considered necessary) and some allowing and/or encouraging membership by nonsurgeons, whereas the emphasis has remained predominantly on colorectal surgery. In more recent years, there has been significant interest in the development of both optimal and minimum standards of care and gradual recognition of the potential value of outreach programs, together with an exponential emergence of specialized training programs in colorectal surgery, well researched and documented by Stanley M. Goldberg in an address to The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) in 2002. The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons has always supported a strong interest in international colorectal activities. A proposal to form a new subcommittee of Council of the ASCRS, to be known as the International Council of Coloproctology (ICCP), was adopted by ASCRS Council in 2003. It replaces the WCCP. The ICCP reports directly to Council of ASCRS and is funded by it. It comprises an Executive Committee, which will foster and oversee its activities; its membership will comprise the current President of every established national society of coloproctology (or nominated representative), by invitation from the President, ASCRS. The roles of the ICCP are to develop a database of (electronic) communication with the President and Secretariat of every established national society (and association) of coloproctology (already dissemiDis Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1750–1751 © The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons



致编辑——1990 年,世界结肠直肠学理事会 (WCCP) 在澳大利亚的汉密尔顿岛成立,其目标是改善国家和区域结肠直肠学组织之间的信息交流和交流。当时,它承认了拉丁美洲结肠直肠学协会 (ALACP)、亚洲结肠直肠学联合会 (AFCP) 和欧洲结肠直肠学委员会 (ECCP) 的现有联合会。北美社会(ASCRS 和加拿大以及澳大拉西亚)之间发展良好的历史“联盟”构成了海洋结肠直肠学联合会 (OFCP)。处于萌芽阶段的 WCCP 有一些积极的好处,包括刺激以前不活跃的 AFCP 成功举办两年一次的会议,并作为“官方机构”协助国家结直肠外科医生团体说服他们的认证机构相信结直肠手术是合法的。独立专业,例如以色列。然而,毫无疑问,最有用的活动是在国际范围内促进结直肠外科服务范围内的讨论(包括组织和建立国家协会、会议的发展、培训和奖学金等事项)。在这个框架内最难适应的是生活水平的多样性以及外科医生和患者的不平等机会,以及不同疾病过程和发病率(以及需求)的重要性。这种变化在发展令人满意的体质方面产生了很大的困难。最近在结直肠疾病的一篇社论强调了参与治疗结直肠疾病的各个学科之间的历史性协同作用,并强调了正在进行的合作过程,希望最终将欧洲结肠直肠学委员会和最近发展起来的欧洲协会合并结肠直肠病学。标准化的欧洲结肠直肠培训资格是 EACP 开发的一个重要项目。结直肠外科世界其他地区的大多数专业协会最初都发展为国家结直肠外科学会,一些专供外科医生使用(在认为必要时邀请相关学科的同事参与),一些允许和/或鼓励非外科医生加入,而重点仍然主要是结直肠手术。近年来,人们对制定最佳和最低护理标准以及逐渐认识到外展计划的潜在价值以及结直肠外科专业培训计划的指数级出现了极大的兴趣,这些计划得到了充分的研究和记录。 Stanley M. Goldberg 于 2002 年在美国结肠和直肠外科医生协会 (ASCRS) 的演讲中。美国结肠和直肠外科医生协会一直支持对国际结肠直肠活动的浓厚兴趣。ASCRS 理事会于 2003 年通过了一项提议,即成立一个新的 ASCRS 理事会小组委员会,即国际结肠直肠学理事会 (ICCP)。它取代了 WCCP。ICCP 直接向 ASCRS 理事会报告并由其资助。它包括一个执行委员会,负责促进和监督其活动;其成员将包括由 ASCRS 主席邀请的每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会的现任主席(或指定代表)。ICCP 的作用是开发一个与每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会(和协会)主席和秘书处(已经传播 Diss Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1750–1751 © The American Society of Colon and直肠外科医生 被称为国际结肠直肠学委员会 (ICCP),于 2003 年由 ASCRS 委员会通过。它取代了 WCCP。ICCP 直接向 ASCRS 理事会报告并由其资助。它包括一个执行委员会,负责促进和监督其活动;其成员将包括由 ASCRS 主席邀请的每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会的现任主席(或指定代表)。ICCP 的作用是开发一个与每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会(和协会)主席和秘书处(已经传播 Diss Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1750–1751 © The American Society of Colon and直肠外科医生 被称为国际结肠直肠学委员会 (ICCP),于 2003 年由 ASCRS 委员会通过。它取代了 WCCP。ICCP 直接向 ASCRS 理事会报告并由其资助。它包括一个执行委员会,负责促进和监督其活动;其成员将包括由 ASCRS 主席邀请的每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会的现任主席(或指定代表)。ICCP 的作用是开发一个与每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会(和协会)主席和秘书处(已经传播 Diss Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1750–1751 © The American Society of Colon and直肠外科医生 ICCP 直接向 ASCRS 理事会报告并由其资助。它包括一个执行委员会,负责促进和监督其活动;其成员将包括由 ASCRS 主席邀请的每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会的现任主席(或指定代表)。ICCP 的作用是开发一个与每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会(和协会)主席和秘书处(已经传播 Diss Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1750–1751 © The American Society of Colon and直肠外科医生 ICCP 直接向 ASCRS 理事会报告并由其资助。它包括一个执行委员会,负责促进和监督其活动;其成员将包括由 ASCRS 主席邀请的每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会的现任主席(或指定代表)。ICCP 的作用是开发一个与每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会(和协会)主席和秘书处(已经传播 Diss Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1750–1751 © The American Society of Colon and直肠外科医生 其成员将包括由 ASCRS 主席邀请的每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会的现任主席(或指定代表)。ICCP 的作用是开发一个与每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会(和协会)主席和秘书处(已经传播 Diss Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1750–1751 © The American Society of Colon and直肠外科医生 其成员将包括由 ASCRS 主席邀请的每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会的现任主席(或指定代表)。ICCP 的作用是开发一个与每个已建立的国家结肠直肠学会(和协会)主席和秘书处(已经传播 Diss Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 1750–1751 © The American Society of Colon and直肠外科医生