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Legal socialization during adolescence: The emerging role of school resource officers
Journal of Social Issues ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1111/josi.12446
Yael Granot 1 , Tom R. Tyler 2 , Allison Durkin 2

Adolescence and later childhood are critical periods for developing attitudes toward legal authorities, a process known as legal socialization. Traditionally, scholars have understood contact with local police officers and experiences with the juvenile justice system to drive legal socialization. These interactions, and in particular how fair they are perceived to be, influence long-term views about the legitimacy of the legal system and future criminal behavior. In recent years, however, the potential for adolescent contact with police has increased exponentially through their presence in a new context: schools. In a survey of high schoolers, we explored how school-based police, school resource officers (SROs), function as an emerging nexus of legal socialization. We found that SROs’ influence extends beyond school grounds: the more procedurally just students perceived SROs to be, the more they were willing to follow their directives and to obey police outside of school. Further, procedural justice perceptions of SROs were correlated with school climate outcomes, including self-reported academic success, anxiety, and identification with the school community. Our results speak to the connection between legal socialization and other developmental processes like community engagement and support expanding robust theories of legal socialization to consider arenas that intermingle legal and non-legal authority.



青春期和童年后期是培养对法律权威态度的关键时期,这一过程被称为法律社会化。传统上,学者们了解与当地警察的接触和少年司法系统的经验,以推动法律社会化。这些互动,特别是他们被认为是多么公平,会影响对法律制度合法性和未来犯罪行为的长期看法。然而,近年来,青少年与警察接触的可能性由于他们出现在一个新的环境中而呈指数级增长:学校。在一项针对高中生的调查中,我们探讨了以学校为基础的警察、学校资源官员 (SRO) 如何作为新兴的法律社会化纽带发挥作用。我们发现 SRO 的影响超出了校园范围:学生认为 SRO 在程序上越公正,他们就越愿意听从他们的指示并在校外服从警察。此外,SRO 的程序正义感与学校气候结果相关,包括自我报告的学业成功、焦虑和对学校社区的认同。我们的研究结果说明了法律社会化与社区参与等其他发展过程之间的联系,并支持扩展稳健的法律社会化理论以考虑将法律和非法律权威混合的领域。焦虑,以及对学校社区的认同。我们的研究结果说明了法律社会化与社区参与等其他发展过程之间的联系,并支持扩展稳健的法律社会化理论以考虑将法律和非法律权威混合的领域。焦虑,以及对学校社区的认同。我们的研究结果说明了法律社会化与社区参与等其他发展过程之间的联系,并支持扩展稳健的法律社会化理论以考虑将法律和非法律权威混合的领域。