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Bodies under Pressure: Experiencing Waiting Time in Basic Health Care Facilities (Morocco)
Space and Culture ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1177/12063312211019927
Josiane Carine Tantchou 1

This article addresses access to basic health care facilities in Morocco, by emphasizing the issue of accommodation (Penchansky & Thomas, 1981). This article is based on data collected over three years spent in Rabat, Morocco, for fieldwork. The first year focused on hypertension. Research authorization was required for this research, which was obtained from the Ministry of Health. Research tools consisted of observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions.

I argue that waiting is not a passive experience or state. It is experienced with and through a mindful body (Scheper-Hughes & Lock, 1987), as an active and dynamic process that happens in a waiting room. The waiting room is conceptualized as a sphere of coexisting heterogeneity (Massey, 2005), allowing the concomitant presence of the body-self, social body, and the body politic, equivalent to body-inside and body-outside, respectively. By relating multiplicity and heterogeneity to time—biomedicine’s time, different from patients’ time, but also from the body’s time or somatic time (Limor Meoded, 2018)—, I argue that the space of the waiting room brings these various temporalities together, commanding new configurations and processes (Massey, 2005). The dynamic process of waiting is embodied; it can burst out in the form of tension, when the concomitant presence of distinct trajectories, bodies, and temporalities inside the waiting room, sometimes generate violence (verbal and symbolic). Allowing this heterogeneity to coexist smoothly is the challenge of hospital architecture and its analysis from a phenomenological perspective will bring rich data to explore and extend the project of an anthropogeography of emotions and perception.



本文通过强调住宿问题来解决摩洛哥获得基本医疗保健设施的问题(Penchansky & Thomas,1981)。本文基于在摩洛哥拉巴特为期三年的实地调查中收集的数据。第一年专注于高血压。这项研究需要获得卫生部的研究授权。研究工具包括观察、深入访谈和焦点小组讨论。

我认为等待不是一种被动的体验或状态。它是通过一个有意识的身体来体验的(Scheper-Hughes & Lock,1987),作为在候诊室发生的一个积极和动态的过程。候诊室被概念化为一个异质性共存的领域(Massey,2005),允许身体自我、社会身体和政治身体同时存在,分别相当于身体内部和身体外部。通过将多样性和异质性与时间联系起来——生物医学的时间,不同于患者的时间,也与身体的时间或躯体时间(Limor Meoded,2018)——我认为,候诊室的空间将这些不同的时间结合在一起,指挥新的配置和流程(梅西,2005 年)。体现了等待的动态过程;它可以以以下形式爆发紧张,当候诊室内伴随着不同轨迹、身体和时间的存在时,有时会产生暴力(语言和象征性)。让这种异质性顺利共存是医院建筑的挑战,从现象学的角度对其进行分析将带来丰富的数据,以探索和扩展情感和感知的人类地理学项目。
