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Evidence for variable precipitation and discharge from Upper Cretaceous–Paleogene fluvial deposits of the Raton Basin, Colorado–New Mexico, U.S.A.
Journal of Sedimentary Research ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2020.081
Theresa M. Schwartz 1 , Marieke Dechesne 1 , Kristine L. Zellman 1

The Raton Basin of Colorado–New Mexico, USA, is the southeasternmost basin of the Laramide intraforeland province of North America. It hosts a thick succession (4.5 km or 15,000 ft) of Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene marine and continental strata that were deposited in response to the final regression of the Western Interior Seaway and the onset of Laramide intraforeland deformation. The Upper Cretaceous–Paleogene Raton and Poison Canyon formations were previously described as meandering river and braided river deposits that represented distal and proximal members of rivers that drained the basin-bounding Sangre de Cristo–Culebra uplift. We present new observations of fluvial-channel architecture that show that both formations contain the deposits of sinuous fluvial channels. However, fluvial channels of the Raton Formation formed in ever-wet environments and were affected by steady discharge, whereas channels of the overlying Poison Canyon Formation formed in drier environments and were affected by variable discharge. The apparent transition in fluvial discharge characteristics was coeval with the progradation of fluvial fans across the Raton Basin during the Paleocene, emanating from the ancestral Sangre de Cristo–Culebra uplift. The construction of fluvial fans, coupled with the sedimentary features observed within, highlights the dual control of Laramide deformation and early Cenozoic climatic patterns on the sedimentary evolution of the Raton Basin.



美国科罗拉多州-新墨西哥州的拉顿盆地是北美拉拉米特内陆省的最东南部盆地。它拥有从上白垩纪到古近纪海相和大陆地层的厚层序列(4.5 公里或 15,000 英尺),这些地层是为响应西部内陆海道的最终回归和 Laramide 前陆变形的开始而沉积的。上白垩统-古近纪 Raton 和 Poison Canyon 地层先前被描述为蜿蜒的河流和辫状河沉积物,代表了河流的远端和近端成员,这些河流排出了盆地边界的 Sangre de Cristo-Culebra 隆起。我们提出了对河流河道结构的新观察结果,表明这两个地层都包含蜿蜒的河流河道沉积物。然而,Raton 组的河流通道形成于一直潮湿的环境中,并受到稳定排放的影响,而上覆的 Poison Canyon 组的河道形成于较干燥的环境中,并受到可变排放的影响。河流流量特征的明显转变与古新世期间横跨拉顿盆地的河流扇的进积同时发生,源于祖先的圣克里斯托-库莱布拉隆起。河流扇的构建,加上内部观察到的沉积特征,突出了拉顿盆地沉积演化过程中拉拉米特变形和早新生代气候模式的双重控制。河流流量特征的明显转变与古新世期间横跨拉顿盆地的河流扇的进积同时发生,源于祖先的圣克里斯托-库莱布拉隆起。河流扇的构建,加上内部观察到的沉积特征,突出了拉顿盆地沉积演化过程中拉拉米特变形和早新生代气候模式的双重控制。河流流量特征的明显转变与古新世期间横跨拉顿盆地的河流扇的进积同时发生,源于祖先的圣克里斯托-库莱布拉隆起。河流扇的构建,加上内部观察到的沉积特征,突出了拉顿盆地沉积演化过程中拉拉米特变形和早新生代气候模式的双重控制。