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From fear to hope: learning from BIPOC in hard times—Covid 19, climate collapse & racial violence
International Journal of Lifelong Education ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2021.1936234
Dana L. Stuchul 1 , Madhu Suri Prakash 2 , Gustavo Esteva 3


In the urban, modern world, most people lack anything they can call ‘community’, a ‘commons’, a WE. They are fully individualized. Formatted by the school and all forms of education to accommodate themselves into a competitive, individualistic world, they acutely suffer the consequences of the current collapses, climatic and institutional. Many of them are falling into conditions of extreme misery and deprivation. Even those in better conditions, with a guaranteed income and a good job, are affected by the current plague, as isolation and divisiveness rage violently around them, driven by Global Fear. It is a divisiveness of ancient hatreds converging with modern ones, feeding their capacities for despair. We ask: how to heal from these illnesses exacerbated by COVID-19 times? This essay explores hospitality as the antidote to globalized fear. It explores the art of organizing hope, drawing upon the courageous autonomous efforts of BIPOC around the world. Through acts of radical hospitality, flowering into friendship, ways of embracing radical differences are revealed, warmly and kindly hosting the otherness of the other.


从恐惧到希望:在困难时期向 BIPOC 学习——Covid 19、气候崩溃和种族暴力


在城市现代世界中,大多数人缺乏他们可以称之为“社区”、“公地”、“我们”的任何东西。他们是完全个性化的。由学校和各种形式的教育形成,以适应竞争激烈的个人主义世界,他们严重遭受当前崩溃、气候和制度崩溃的后果。他们中的许多人正陷入极度痛苦和匮乏的境地。即使是那些条件较好、收入有保障、有一份好工作的人,也会受到当前瘟疫的影响,因为在全球恐惧的驱使下,孤立和分裂在他们周围肆虐。这是古代仇恨与现代仇恨的分歧,助长了他们绝望的能力。我们问:如何治愈这些因 COVID-19 而加剧的疾病?这篇文章探讨了热情好客是全球化恐惧的解药。它探索了组织希望的艺术,借鉴了 BIOC 在世界各地的勇敢自主努力。通过激进的款待行为,在友谊中开花结果,揭示了拥抱根本差异的方式,热情和善意地接纳对方的差异性。
