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Dawn of a new beginning
AAPS Open Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1186/s41120-021-00035-0
Andrea Allmendinger

Welcome Pharmaceutical Scientist community! This is my first editorial and I would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank AAPS and Springer Nature for their trust, recognition, and support in stepping into this leadership role — a responsible and challenging task! I am excited to connect to the scientific community creating an open access space for pharmaceutical sciences.

I would like to welcome you, the readers, authors, and reviewers of AAPS Open, and invite you to join me on a journey that we have started a couple of months ago. Initially launched in 2015, the journal underwent a transformative process during the last months/year to focus on its strength. We are excited to announce that we went live again in April and I would like to thank you for your patience during this process!

We have refined the scope of the journal and I would like to highlight that besides original research articles, AAPS Open will accept a diverse range of secondary research including white papers, commentaries, and perspectives from experts in their field, as well as meeting reports, and reviews or brief review articles. I expect a diverse range of manuscript and opinion pieces from both academia and industry covering the breadth of pharmaceutical sciences. Personally, I am excited about the currently transforming scientific landscape, and I would like to specifically highlight new biopharmaceutical modalities including cell, gene, and nucleotide-based therapeutics bringing hope to thousands of patients around the globe. Thus, I would like to encourage submissions of opinion pieces to educate the pharmaceutical community and advancing community knowledge about these new treatment modalities.

I would like to highlight that AAPS Open is a fully open access, fully peer-reviewed journal, and the flagship of open access publishing of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. The acceptance but more important the desire for open publishing, basically the concept of freely available research without restrictions on use, has been increasing over the recent decade and this trend is continuing. In numerous cases, open access publishing is also requested by funding bodies for example those being part of cOAlition S, with the goal of making scientific content accessible to the global scientific community addressing the imbalance in access to information. Especially during the current COVID-pandemic, this concept has been exemplified and publishers have made related scientific content fully accessible.

Last but not least, I would like to thank the previous editorial board members and editors of the journal for their time and energy that they have dedicated to the journal! Likewise, I would like to welcome the new editorial advisory board and new team of editors, who form a strong and diverse fundament on which to build the success of this journal. Stay tuned to hear more from the board, for example about special issue that we will initiate!

With progressing vaccination coverage across the world in fighting the present COVID pandemic, I do feel the dawn of a new beginning all around — in my professional environment, in my private environment, and when looking at diverse communication channels. Let’s transfer this spirit to the journal and I am looking forward to receiving exciting manuscripts that we make publically available to the scientific community advancing pharmaceutical sciences!


  1. Pharmaceutical Development Biologics Europe, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, 4007, Basel, Switzerland

    Andrea Allmendinger

  2. Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Freiburg, 79104, Freiburg, Germany

    Andrea Allmendinger

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Correspondence to Andrea Allmendinger.

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Allmendinger, A. Dawn of a new beginning. AAPS Open 7, 1 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41120-021-00035-0

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41120-021-00035-0



欢迎制药科学家社区!这是我的第一篇社论,我想借此机会真诚地感谢 AAPS 和 Springer Nature 对他们的信任、认可和支持,他们踏上这个领导角色——一项负责任且具有挑战性的任务!我很高兴能与科学界建立联系,为制药科学创造一个开放的访问空间。

我想欢迎您,AAPS Open的读者、作者和评论者,并邀请您加入我们几个月前开始的旅程。该杂志最初于 2015 年推出,在过去几个月/一年中经历了转型过程,以专注于其优势。我们很高兴地宣布我们于 4 月再次上线,感谢您在此过程中的耐心等待!

我们已经完善了期刊的范围,我想强调的是,除了原创研究文章之外,AAPS Open将接受各种二次研究,包括白皮书、评论和来自各自领域专家的观点,以及会议报告、评论或简短的评论文章。我期待来自学术界和工业界的各种手稿和意见文章,涵盖制药科学的广度。就我个人而言,我对当前不断变化的科学领域感到兴奋,我想特别强调新的生物制药模式,包括基于细胞、基因和核苷酸的疗法,为全球成千上万的患者带来希望。因此,我想鼓励提交意见文章,以教育制药界并提高社区对这些新治疗方式的了解。

我想强调一下AAPS 公开赛是完全开放获取、完全同行评审的期刊,也是美国药学科学家协会开放获取出版的旗舰。对开放出版的接受,但更重要的是,开放出版的愿望,基本上是不受使用限制的免费研究的概念,在最近十年中一直在增加,而且这种趋势还在继续。在许多情况下,资助机构(例如 cOAlition S 的一部分)也要求开放获取出版,目的是让全球科学界可以访问科学内容,解决信息获取不平衡的问题。特别是在当前的 COVID 大流行期间,这一概念得到了体现,出版商已使相关科学内容完全可访问。


随着世界各地在抗击当前的 COVID 大流行中不断提高疫苗接种覆盖率,我确实感受到了新开始的曙光——在我的专业环境中,在我的私人环境中,以及在查看各种沟通渠道时。让我们将这种精神传递给期刊,我期待收到我们向推进药物科学的科学界公开发布的激动人心的手稿!


  1. Pharmaceutical Development Biologics Europe,F. Hoffmann-La Roche,4007,瑞士巴塞尔


  2. 制药技术与生物制药系,制药科学研究所,弗莱堡大学,79104,弗莱堡,德国


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Allmendinger, A. 新开始的黎明。AAPS 公开赛 7, 1 (2021)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s41120-021-00035-0


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  • DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s41120-021-00035-0
