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Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1126/science.372.6547.1132
American Association for the Advancement of Science

In science news around the world, despite past safety concerns, Brazilian health authorities decide to allow the importation of Sputnik V, the Russian-made vaccine against the pandemic coronavirus. A strategy for fighting dengue fever using bacteria-armed mosquitoes passes its most rigorous test yet: a randomized controlled trial in Indonesia. In its first year of observation, a radio telescope in British Columbia detects 535 fast radio bursts—powerful flashes of radio waves from deep space—which is more than three times as many as were previously known. Atmospheric carbon dioxide hits 419 parts per million, despite pandemic lockdowns, the highest level in 63 years of modern recording.



在世界各地的科学新闻中,尽管过去存在安全问题,巴西卫生当局还是决定允许进口俄罗斯制造的针对大流行性冠状病毒的疫苗 Sputnik V。一项使用携带细菌的蚊子对抗登革热的策略通过了迄今为止最严格的测试:在印度尼西亚进行的一项随机对照试验。在第一年的观测中,不列颠哥伦比亚省的射电望远镜探测到 535 次快速射电暴——来自深空的强大无线电波闪光——是之前已知数量的三倍多。尽管大流行封锁,大气中的二氧化碳仍达到百万分之 419,这是现代记录 63 年来的最高水平。
