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Introduction to topiCS Volume 13, Issue 3
Topics in Cognitive Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1111/tops.12556
Andrea Bender

With the current issue of Topics in Cognitive Science, we are proud to present award-winning research again, starting off with a scholar's lifetime achievements distinguished by the Rumelhart Prize, then introducing the Best Papers from the 18th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling.

The first topic honors Michelene (“Micki”) T. H. Chi (Arizona State University), the 19th recipient of the David E. Rumelhart Prize. With a background in mathematics and a strong interest in the science of education, Chi has conducted pioneering, widely cited, and highly influential work on the active role of learners in the learning process, from self-explanations to the development of expertise. Having been active in the society for almost her entire academic life, and elected one of its inaugural fellows in 2003, she received the award also referred to as “the Nobel Prize in Cognitive Science” in 2019, for having “challenged basic assumptions about the mind” more than once and for having “defined new approaches that have shaped a generation of cognitive and learning scientists.” Following a pithy introduction by former topiCS editor Wayne Gray, we are happy to present the paper based on her Rumelhart Lecture, on “Translating a theory of active learning,” in which she attempts to close the gap between research and practice by outlining a multistep translation research framework.

The second part of this issue comprises revised and expanded versions of the four best papers presented at the 18th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, which took place last year fully virtually as was the case for so many other conferences. This batch has been curated by Topic Editors Terrence C. Stewart (National Research Council Canada) and Christopher Myers (Air Force Research Laboratory), who also introduce this selection of papers in more detail.

Congratulations to all our authors for their awards––we hope you continue the outstanding work you are doing!

 In conclusion, we remind our readers that our publisher, Wiley, allows us to offer the Topic Editors’ introduction to their topic to all our readers as a free download.

topiCS encourages letters and commentaries on all topics, as well as proposals for new topics. Letters are not longer than two published pages (ca. 400–1000 words). Commentaries (between 1000 and 2000 words) are often solicited by Topic Editors prior to the publication of their topic, but they may also be considered after publication. Letters and commentaries typically come without abstract and with few references, if any.

The Executive Editor and the Senior Editorial Board (SEB) are constantly searching for new and exciting topics for topiCS. Feel free to open communications with a short note to the Executive Editor (Andrea.Bender@uib.no) or a member of the SEB (for a list, see the publisher's homepage for topiCS: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1756-8765/homepage/EditorialBoard.html).


topicCS 简介第 13 卷第 3 期


第一个主题旨在表彰 Michelene(“Micki”)TH Chi(亚利桑那州立大学),第 19 届David E. Rumelhart 奖获得者。凭借数学背景和对教育科学的浓厚兴趣,池在学习者在学习过程中的积极作用(从自我解释到专业知识的发展)方面开展了开创性的、被广泛引用且极具影响力的工作。她几乎整个学术生涯都活跃在该学会中,并于 2003 年当选为该学会的首届院士之一,并于 2019 年获得了该奖项,也被称为“认知科学诺贝尔奖”,以表彰她“挑战了关于认知科学的基本假设”。不止一次地“定义了塑造一代认知和学习科学家的新方法”。在前TopiCS编辑韦恩·格雷 (Wayne Gray)的简洁介绍之后,我们很高兴地根据她的鲁梅尔哈特讲座“转化主动学习理论”介绍这篇论文,其中她试图通过概述多步骤来缩小研究与实践之间的差距翻译研究框架。

本期的第二部分包括第 18 届国际认知建模会议上发表的四篇最佳论文的修订和扩展版本,该会议去年与许多其他会议一样完全以虚拟方式举行。这批论文由主题编辑 Terrence C. Stewart(加拿大国家研究委员会)和 Christopher Myers(空军研究实验室)策划,他们还更详细地介绍了这批论文。


 总之,我们提醒读者,我们的出版商 Wiley 允许我们向所有读者免费下载主题编辑对其主题的介绍。

topicCS鼓励对所有主题的信件和评论,以及新主题的提案。信件长度不超过已发表的两页(约 400-1000 字)。主题编辑通常会在主题发表之前征求评论(1000 到 2000 字之间),但也可能在发表后予以考虑。信件和评论通常没有摘要,也很少有参考文献(如果有的话)。

执行编辑和高级编辑委员会 (SEB) 不断为topicCS寻找新的、令人兴奋的主题。请随时与执行编辑 (Andrea.Bender@uib.no) 或 SEB 成员进行简短的交流(有关列表,请参阅出版商的主题主页 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/期刊/10.1111/(ISSN)1756-8765/homepage/EditorialBoard.html)。
