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Mustelids from Sackdilling Cave (Bavaria, Germany) and their biostratigraphic significance
Geobios ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2021.04.004
Adrian Marciszak , Dieta Ambros , Brigitte Hilpert

Sackdilling Cave is a karst fissure filled with a fossiliferous breccia including abundant fossil remains, mostly snails and small mammals. The taxonomic status of mustelid remains from this cave was previously regarded as controversial and, consequently, different authors listed different species from the locality. A detailed revision of the material shows the presence of five mustelid species: Meles sp., Martes vetus, Mustela strandi, Mustela palerminea, and Mustela praenivalis. Among them, especially noteworthy is the presence of the type specimen of Martes vetus. The Sackdilling holotype resembles Martes foina and differs from that of Martes martes in a short and broad viscerocranium; wide and less extended forward incisor row; compressed, short and wide temporal region; large, strongly inflated and convex tympanic bullae; and narrow P3 with weak lingual bulge. Some dental characters are specific for Martes vetus and show some intermediate values between Martes foina than Martes martes. Among them are the P4 protocone length and the M1 trigon length. The revised material from Sackdilling Cave of Mustela palerminea and Mustela praenivalis was compared with that from other Early and early Middle Pleistocene sites of Europe and showed the presence of intermediate characters. Subsequently, based on the entire mustelid assemblage and other faunal elements (mainly rodents), the age of this fauna was estimated as ca. 0.9–0.7 Ma.


Sackdilling Cave(德国巴伐利亚)的鼬科动物及其生物地层学意义

Sackdilling Cave是一个岩溶裂缝,充满了含化石的角砾岩,包括丰富的化石遗骸,主要是蜗牛和小型哺乳动物。这个洞穴中鼬类遗骸的分类地位以前被认为是有争议的,因此,不同的作者列出了当地的不同物种。该材料的详细修订显示了五种鼬科物种的存在:Meles sp.、Martes vetusMustelastrandiMustelapalermineaMustela praenivalis。其中,特别值得注意的是Martes vetus的模式标本的存在。Sackdilling 正模与Martes foina相似,但不同于Martes martes在一个短而宽的内脏颅骨中;前切牙行宽且不那么伸展;压缩、短而宽的颞区;大、强烈膨胀和凸出的鼓泡;P3 狭窄,舌隆起较弱。一些牙齿特征是Martes vetus特有的,并且在Martes foinaMartes martes之间显示出一些中间值。其中包括 P4 原锥长度和 M1 三角长度。来自Mustela PalermineaMustela praenivalis 的Sackdilling Cave 的修订材料与欧洲其他早、中更新世早期遗址进行比较,并显示出中间特征的存在。随后,根据整个鼬科动物组合和其他动物群元素(主要是啮齿动物),该动物群的年龄估计为大约 10 年。0.9–0.7 毫安。
