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Willingness to give amid pandemics: a contingent valuation of anticipated nongovernmental immunization programs
International Journal of Health Economics and Management ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10754-021-09309-2
William F Vásquez 1 , Jennifer M Trudeau 2

Given that altruism is crucial in assisting impoverished households to cope with health and economic crises, it is important to improve our understanding of how preferences and motives for giving differ during a pandemic. We implemented a web-based, contingent valuation survey to estimate Americans’ willingness to give for nongovernmental immunization programs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results indicate that the median person is willing to give a one-time donation of $26, or at least $13 when willingness-to-give estimates are corrected for uncertainty regarding future donations. We find that willingness to give is related to income, concern levels, vaccine usage, and sociodemographic characteristics. Our findings also shed light on purely and impurely altruistic motives underlying the willingness to fund immunization programs.



鉴于利他主义对于帮助贫困家庭应对健康和经济危机至关重要,因此提高我们对大流行期间捐赠偏好和动机有何不同的理解非常重要。我们实施了一项基于网络的或有评估调查,以评估美国人在 COVID-19 大流行背景下为非政府免疫项目提供捐助的意愿。我们的结果表明,中位数的人愿意一次性捐赠 26 美元,或者在根据未来捐赠的不确定性对捐赠意愿估计值进行修正后,至少愿意捐赠 13 美元。我们发现捐赠意愿与收入、关注程度、疫苗使用和社会人口特征有关。我们的研究结果还揭示了资助免疫计划的意愿背后的纯粹和不纯粹的利他动机。
