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Imagining feminist old age: Moving beyond ‘successful’ ageing?
Journal of Aging Studies ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaging.2021.100950
Rebecca L Jones 1

This paper reports findings from a project that aimed to generate new feminist visions of later life, inspired directly by Sandberg and Marshall's paper ‘Queering Aging Futures’ (Sandberg & Marshall, 2017). Creative workshops with groups of self-identified feminists led to the generation of a range of artefacts exploring personal visions of a good feminist old age. This paper firstly considers the features that participants most frequently imagined – which were independence, social connection, pleasurable encounters with water, and good health – here treating feminism as a participants' resource explored through inductive analysis. The paper then explores the extent to which participants were able to imagine good feminist old age beyond the normativities of ‘successful ageing’, using a more deductive style of analysis drawing on feminist theory and feminist gerontology. Several participants imagined powerful and agentic old women who resisted the idea of older women's powerlessness. Some imagined new emotional and psychological foci for later life, clearly distinct from those of mid-life. Others imagined future physical decline and ways of embracing or overcoming it. Finally, drawing on feminist theory about the need to be reflexive and accountable in knowledge production, the paper concludes with consideration of the researcher's own imagined feminist old age and feminist history, and the implications this might have for the analysis presented.



本文报告了一个项目的发现,该项目旨在产生新的女权主义者对晚年生活的看法,该项目直接受到 Sandberg 和 Marshall 的论文“Queering Aging Futures”(Sandberg & Marshall,2017 年)的启发。与自我认同的女权主义者团体的创意工作坊导致了一系列人工制品的产生,探索了一个美好的女权主义晚年的个人愿景。本文首先考虑了参与者最常想象的特征——独立性、社会关系、与水的愉快接触和良好的健康——这里将女权主义作为参与者通过归纳分析探索的资源。然后,该论文探讨了参与者在多大程度上能够超越“成功老龄化”的规范来想象美好的女权主义晚年,使用借鉴女权主义理论和女权主义老年学的更具演绎性的分析风格。几位参与者想象了强大而代理的老妇人,她们抵制老年妇女无能为力的想法。一些人为晚年想象新的情感和心理焦点,与中年的那些明显不同。其他人想象未来的身体衰退以及拥抱或克服它的方法。最后,借鉴关于在知识生产中需要反思和负责的女权主义理论,本文以研究人员自己想象的女权主义晚年和女权主义历史,以及这可能对所提出的分析产生的影响作为结论。一些人为晚年想象新的情感和心理焦点,与中年的那些明显不同。其他人想象未来的身体衰退以及拥抱或克服它的方法。最后,借鉴关于在知识生产中需要反思和负责的女权主义理论,本文以研究人员自己想象的女权主义晚年和女权主义历史,以及这可能对所提出的分析产生的影响作为结论。一些人为晚年想象新的情感和心理焦点,与中年的那些明显不同。其他人想象未来的身体衰退以及拥抱或克服它的方法。最后,借鉴关于在知识生产中需要反思和负责的女权主义理论,本文以研究人员自己想象的女权主义晚年和女权主义历史,以及这可能对所提出的分析产生的影响作为结论。
