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Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed food waste perception and behavior? Evidence from Italian consumers
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2021.101095
Vera Amicarelli 1 , Giovanni Lagioia 1 , Stefania Sampietro 2 , Christian Bux 1

Food waste represents a multi-sectoral issue and influences the economy, society and environment. Considering that over 50% of food waste is generated from household consumption, the issue has been included among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with the aim of halving its quantity by 2030. However, the COVID-19 pandemic imposed several variations in the agri-food industry in terms of food manufacturing, storage and distribution, changing at the same time food access, food consumption and food waste behavior. The present paper, through an online-based questionnaire among 831 respondents from Italy and the application of the cumulative logit model, investigates consumer behavior after the lockdown with reference to unpredictable lifestyles, improvements in smart food delivery and never-experienced time management. Results illustrate that always-at-home consumers (forced to stay at home 24 hours a day) are more likely to perceive food waste and reduce its amount, whereas discontinuous smart working makes food purchase, preparation and consumption activities even more stressful and complex. Furthermore, smart food delivery tends to increase consumers’ awareness of meals, improving buying decisions and indirectly reducing food waste generation. The unjustifiable prevalence of household food waste represents a major barrier to the achievement of food security, health insurance and hunger reduction, but also the most promising entry point to stress in the achievement of private and public benefits. Thus, the active role of education among young generations must be enhanced.


COVID-19 大流行是否改变了对食物浪费的看法和行为?来自意大利消费者的证据

食物浪费代表了一个多部门的问题,影响着经济、社会和环境。考虑到超过 50% 的食物浪费来自家庭消费,该问题已被列入 17 项可持续发展目标,目标是到 2030 年将其数量减半。然而,COVID-19 大流行给农业带来了一些变化食品工业在食品制造、储存和配送方面,同时改变着食品获取、食品消费和食品浪费行为。本论文通过对来自意大利的 831 名受访者进行在线问卷调查,并应用累积 logit 模型,调查封锁后的消费者行为,包括不可预测的生活方式、智能送餐的改进和从未体验过的时间管理。结果说明总是待在家里的消费者(被迫一天 24 小时待在家里)更容易察觉到食物浪费并减少食物浪费,而间断的智能工作使食物购买、准备和消费活动更加紧张和复杂。此外,智能送餐往往会提高消费者的用餐意识,改善购买决策并间接减少食物浪费的产生。家庭食物浪费的不合理流行是实现粮食安全、健康保险和减少饥饿的主要障碍,也是实现私人和公共利益的最有希望的切入点。因此,必须加强年轻一代教育的积极作用。
