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Examining the profiles of school violence and their association with individual and relational covariates among South Korean children
Child Abuse & Neglect ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105155
Sangwon Kim 1 , Yanghee Lee 2


This study was conducted to identify the profiles of children who experience perpetration and victimization in school violence and to test whether individual- and relational factors may differentiate the identified profiles.


This study targeted 4328 children in the 6 th -grade (47.8% female) extracted from the Seoul Education Longitudinal Study (SELS). Items used to measure school violence includes verbal violence, social exclusion, physical violence, spreading malicious rumors, extortion, coercion/threat. Those experiences were captured on the basis of frequency. Individual factors cover self-esteem and self-control, and relationship factors contain parent-child relationship and teacher-student relationship. Gender was introduced as a control variable. Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was utilized to classify profiles, and a modified three-step procedure was used to verify individual and relational factors in created profiles of school violence.


A three-profile solution was obtained: Exchanging rare verbal violence (90.20%), interpersonal victimization (7.50%), and inflicting violence (2.30%). First, higher levels of self-esteem made children less likely to belong to the interpersonal victimization group than exchanging rare verbal violence group. Second, greater selfcontrol made children less likely to belong to the inflicting violence group than the exchanging rare verbal violence group. Higher levels of self-control also increased the likelihood of children being placed in interpersonal victimization group rather than inflicting violence group. Third, cohesive and close parent-child relationship made children have a lower likelihood to be affiliated with the interpersonal victimization group than exchanging rare verbal violence group. Lastly, a cohesive and close teacher-student relationship made children less likely to belong to the inflicting violence group or interpersonal victimization group than exchanging rare verbal violence group.


The findings can guide how school-based violence prevention can be designed, including enhancing individual competencies (i.e., self-esteem and selfcontrol), by establishing regular training programs in school settings. In addition, findings that relationships with parents and teachers affect children's experiences of school violence suggest focusing not only on affected children but also on taking an approach that encompasses the organically connected relationships surrounding children. This could be achieved by developing and distributing relevant materials or various training programs for the purpose of building their cohesive and supportive relationship with children. Practical implications are discussed according to the findings.






本研究针对来自首尔教育纵向研究 (SELS) 的 4328 名 6 年级儿童(47.8% 女性)。用于衡量校园暴力的项目包括言语暴力、社会排斥、身体暴力、散布恶意谣言、敲诈勒索、胁迫/威胁。这些经验是根据频率捕获的。个体因素包括自尊和自我控制,关系因素包括亲子关系和师生关系。性别被引入作为控制变量。潜在档案分析 (LPA) 用于对档案进行分类,并使用修改后的三步程序来验证创建的校园暴力档案中的个人和关系因素。




