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Body and Wing Allometries Reveal Flight-Fecundity Tradeoff in Response to Larval Provisioning in Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)
Journal of Insect Science ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 , DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/ieab035
Bryan R Helm 1 , Maxwell A Baldwin 1 , Joseph P Rinehart 2 , George D Yocum 2 , Kendra J Greenlee 1 , Julia H Bowsher 1

Variation in body size has important implications for physical performance and fitness. For insects, adult size and morphology are determined by larval growth and metamorphosis. Female blue orchard bees, Osmia lignaria, (Say) provision a finite quantity of food to their offspring. In this study, we asked how provision-dependent variation in size changes adult morphology. We performed a diet manipulation in which some larvae were starved in the final instar and some were given unlimited food. We examined the consequences on adult morphology in two ways. First, allometric relationships between major body regions (head, thorax, abdomen) and total body mass were measured to determine relative growth of these structures. Second, morphometrics that are critical for flight (wing area, wing loading, and extra flight power index) were quantified. Head and thorax mass had hyperallometric relationships with body size, indicating these parts become disproportionately large in adults when larvae are given copious provisions. However, abdominal mass and wing area increased hypoallometrically with body size. Thus, large adults had disproportionately lighter abdomens and smaller wing areas than smaller adults. Though both males and females followed these general patterns, allometric patterns were affected by sex. For flight metrics, small adults had reduced wing loading and an increased extra flight power index. These results suggest that diet quantity alters development in ways that affect the morphometric trait relationships in adult O. lignaria and may lead to functional differences in performance.


身体和机翼异速测量揭示了响应于 Osmia lignaria 幼虫供应的飞行繁殖力权衡(膜翅目:Megachilidae)

体型的变化对身体表现和健康有重要影响。对于昆虫,成虫的大小和形态由幼虫的生长和变态决定。雌性蓝色果园蜜蜂,Osmia lignaria,(说)为它们的后代提供有限数量的食物。在这项研究中,我们询问了依赖于供应的大小变化如何改变成人形态。我们进行了饮食控制,其中一些幼虫在最后一龄被饿死,而一些幼虫则获得了无限量的食物。我们以两种方式检查了对成人形态的影响。首先,测量主要身体区域(头部、胸部、腹部)和总体质量之间的异速生长关系以确定这些结构的相对生长。其次,对飞行至关重要的形态测量(机翼面积、机翼载荷和额外飞行功率指数)进行了量化。头部和胸部的质量与体型有超异速关系,表明当幼虫得到丰富的食物时,这些部分在成虫中变得不成比例地大。然而,腹部质量和翼面积随着体型的增大而呈异速增长。因此,与体型较小的成年人相比,大型成年人的腹部更轻,翅膀面积更小。尽管男性和女性都遵循这些一般模式,但异速生长模式受到性别的影响。对于飞行指标,小型成年人减少了机翼载荷并增加了额外的飞行功率指数。这些结果表明,饮食量以影响成年 O. lignaria 形态特征关系的方式改变发育,并可能导致性能上的功能差异。表明当幼虫被给予丰富的食物时,这些部分在成虫中变得不成比例地大。然而,腹部质量和翼面积随着体型的增大而呈异速增长。因此,与体型较小的成年人相比,大型成年人的腹部更轻,翅膀面积更小。尽管男性和女性都遵循这些一般模式,但异速生长模式受到性别的影响。对于飞行指标,小型成年人减少了机翼载荷并增加了额外的飞行功率指数。这些结果表明,饮食量以影响成年 O. lignaria 形态特征关系的方式改变发育,并可能导致性能上的功能差异。表明当幼虫被给予丰富的食物时,这些部分在成虫中变得不成比例地大。然而,腹部质量和翼面积随着体型的增大而呈异速增长。因此,与体型较小的成年人相比,大型成年人的腹部更轻,翅膀面积更小。尽管男性和女性都遵循这些一般模式,但异速生长模式受到性别的影响。对于飞行指标,小型成年人减少了机翼载荷并增加了额外的飞行功率指数。这些结果表明,饮食量以影响成年 O. lignaria 形态特征关系的方式改变发育,并可能导致性能上的功能差异。与体型较小的成年人相比,大型成年人的腹部更轻,翅膀面积更小。尽管男性和女性都遵循这些一般模式,但异速生长模式受到性别的影响。对于飞行指标,小型成年人减少了机翼载荷并增加了额外的飞行功率指数。这些结果表明,饮食量以影响成年 O. lignaria 形态特征关系的方式改变发育,并可能导致性能上的功能差异。与体型较小的成年人相比,大型成年人的腹部更轻,翅膀面积更小。尽管男性和女性都遵循这些一般模式,但异速生长模式受到性别的影响。对于飞行指标,小型成年人减少了机翼载荷并增加了额外的飞行功率指数。这些结果表明,饮食量以影响成年 O. lignaria 形态特征关系的方式改变发育,并可能导致性能上的功能差异。