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Discovery of Zobel’s Lost Wartime Short Story: ‘Bo-bo-bo-o’ or ‘up Yours, Hitler!’
French Studies Bulletin Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1093/frebul/ktab002
Louise Hardwick 1

In the course of my research into Joseph Zobel, I have frequently found myself tracking down, examining and comparing different editions of the author’s work. As I argue in my most recent monograph, Joseph Zobel: Négritude and the Novel,11 Zobel’s extensive project of revisions and rewriting reveals much about the shifts in his relationship with, and attitudes towards, Négritude, and about the evolution of his thinking on race and identity more generally. The publication history of Zobel’s short stories is no less complex and intriguing, and in the present article I wish to draw attention to my recent discovery of a remarkable ‘lost’ short story by Zobel. I begin by focusing on publication history, before moving to provide an outline of the lost short story and highlighting its significance for wider scholarship on francophone literary culture and history; in the final phase, I consider the factors which may have led to the text becoming lost.



在研究 Joseph Zobel 的过程中,我经常发现自己在追踪、检查和比较作者作品的不同版本。正如我在我最近的专着Joseph Zobel: Négritude and the Novel 中所说的那样,1 1佐贝尔广泛的修改和重写项目揭示了他与黑人的关系和态度的转变,以及他对种族和身份的更广泛思考的演变。佐贝尔短篇小说的出版历史同样复杂且引人入胜,在这篇文章中,我想提请大家注意我最近发现的佐贝尔著名的“失传”短篇小说。我首先关注出版史,然后开始概述丢失的短篇小说并强调其对更广泛的法语文学文化和历史学术研究的重要性;在最后阶段,我考虑可能导致文本丢失的因素。