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Prejudice in the People’s Game: A Content Analysis of Race/Ethnicity in Polish Televised Football
Communication & Sport ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1177/2167479520939486
Arne van Lienden 1 , Jacco van Sterkenburg 1

textabstractThis study explores how televised football in Poland serves as a site for the (re)construction of discourses surrounding race and ethnicity and to what extent this squares with previous studies on sport media conducted mainly in Western countries. In our analysis, we identify the discourses surrounding race and ethnicity that the commentators in televised football draw on and examine how they relate to hegemonic discourses and categorizations in wider Polish society. Our findings show that Polish football commentators draw on transnationally circulating racialized/ethnicized discourses on assumed superior physicality when talking about Black football players and on supposed negative psychological capabilities when talking about White Southern European football players. The findings also show that when talking about non-Polish players and head coaches, the commentators regularly rely on an us-versus-them frame that constructs foreign influences as a threat.



textabstract 这项研究探讨了波兰的电视足球如何作为(重新)构建围绕种族和民族的话语的场所,以及这与之前主要在西方国家进行的体育媒体研究在多大程度上相吻合。在我们的分析中,我们确定了电视足球评论员所利用的围绕种族和民族的话语,并研究了它们与更广泛的波兰社会中的霸权话语和分类的关系。我们的研究结果表明,波兰足球评论员利用跨国传播的种族化/民族化话语,在谈论黑人足球运动员时假设优越的身体素质,以及在谈论南欧白人足球运动员时假设的消极心理能力。