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Affirming Radical Equality in the Context of COVID-19: Human Rights of Older People and People with Disabilities
Journal of Human Rights Practice ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jhuman/huaa032
Supriya Akerkar

Abstract This paper discusses the impact of COVID-19 on older people and people with disabilities. It draws attention to the violations of their human rights in the context of COVID-19 which in turn reveal the hierarchical social order of our society. Although statistics show higher deaths of older people in regard to COVID-19, these numbers co-exist with rampant discrimination towards these groups with underlying messaging that their lives are dispensable. The paper highlights violations at different levels—discursive, ethical, and everyday—and shows how they are underpinned by ageism and disablism which stereotype older people and people with disabilities with prejudicial messaging and actions by states and societal actors. At the same time, the paper also highlights the value of human rights discourses and instruments which are mobilized by the disability movement and groups upholding the rights of older people, to question these rights infringements in the context of COVID-19. The politics of these groups which call for principled equality and inclusion of older people and people with disabilities in times of COVID-19 exhibit a much-needed disruption of our social order, an undertaking that needs to be continued in COVID-19 times and after.


在 COVID-19 的背景下肯定根本平等:老年人和残疾人的人权

摘要 本文讨论了 COVID-19 对老年人和残疾人的影响。它提请注意在 COVID-19 背景下侵犯其人权的行为,这反过来揭示了我们社会的等级社会秩序。尽管统计数据显示老年人死于 COVID-19 的人数更多,但这些数字与对这些群体的普遍歧视并存,其潜在信息是他们的生活是可有可无的。该论文强调了不同层面的违规行为——话语、道德和日常——并展示了它们如何受到年龄歧视和残疾歧视的支持,这些歧视通过国家和社会行为者的偏见信息和行动对老年人和残疾人进行刻板印象。同时,该文件还强调了残疾人运动和维护老年人权利的团体所动员的人权话语和工具的价值,以质疑在 COVID-19 背景下的这些侵犯权利的行为。这些团体在 COVID-19 时代呼吁原则性的平等和包容老年人和残疾人的政治表现出对我们社会秩序的急需破坏,这项事业需要在 COVID-19 时代和之后继续下去.