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A Wake-Up Call in Our Upside-Down World: Three Starting-Points for Advancing Health Rights and Social Justice in a Post-Pandemic Future
Journal of Human Rights Practice ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jhuman/huaa033
Alicia Ely Yamin

Abstract What the world and our health systems and societies look like in the future depends on the meaning(s) we take from this pandemic, and in turn how we collectively respond. Before the pandemic, we were living in a scandalously unequal world in which one per cent owned as much wealth as the rest of the globe’s population. Worse yet, as Eduardo Galeano suggested, in our upside-down world, this injustice had come to be accepted as a law of nature. This calamity has ravaged the planet with added suffering—some from the disease itself and more that is the result of structural injustice and policies adopted in response. But the disruption in the lives of tens of millions, as well as in the organization of our societies, provides an opportunity for subverting a number of pillars of the upside-down world, and we in the overlapping fields of health justice and human rights have a responsibility to think and act boldly on transformative political possibilities now. In this essay, I set out three lessons and the implications of those lessons. First, we must hold governments to account for the disparate impacts not only of the virus but of governmental responses to the virus. Secondly, if we hope to emerge from this pandemic with meaningful social contracts, it is imperative that we understand health and health systems as integral to democracy. Thirdly, we need to reimagine the architecture of aid, as well as global health and economic governance.



摘要 世界以及我们的卫生系统和社会在未来的样子取决于我们从这场大流行中获得的意义,以及我们如何集体应对。在大流行之前,我们生活在一个极其不平等的世界,其中 1% 的人拥有与全球其他人口一样多的财富。更糟糕的是,正如 Eduardo Galeano 所说,在我们这个颠倒的世界中,这种不公正已经被接受为自然法则。这场灾难给地球带来了更多的苦难——一些来自疾病本身,更多是结构性不公正和采取的应对政策的结果。但是,数以千万计的生活以及我们社会组织的混乱为颠覆颠倒世界的许多支柱提供了机会,我们在健康正义和人权的重叠领域有责任现在就变革性的政治可能性进行大胆思考并采取行动。在这篇文章中,我列出了三个教训以及这些教训的含义。首先,我们必须让政府对病毒的不同影响以及政府对病毒的反应负责。其次,如果我们希望通过有意义的社会契约摆脱这种流行病,我们必须将卫生和卫生系统理解为民主的组成部分。第三,我们需要重新构想援助架构以及全球卫生和经济治理。我们必须让各国政府对病毒的不同影响以及政府对病毒的反应负责。其次,如果我们希望通过有意义的社会契约摆脱这种流行病,我们必须将卫生和卫生系统理解为民主的组成部分。第三,我们需要重新构想援助架构以及全球卫生和经济治理。我们必须让各国政府对病毒的不同影响以及政府对病毒的反应负责。其次,如果我们希望通过有意义的社会契约摆脱这种流行病,我们必须将卫生和卫生系统理解为民主的组成部分。第三,我们需要重新构想援助架构以及全球卫生和经济治理。