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A Social Survey on Refugees in and Around Vienna in Fall 2015: Methodological Approach and Field Observations
Refugee Survey Quarterly ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-26 , DOI: 10.1093/rsq/hdx012
Judith Kohlenberger , Isabella Buber-Ennser , Bernhard Rengs , Zakarya Al Zalak

In late 2015, a survey called DiPAS (Displaced persons in Austria survey) was carried out in and around Vienna to study the socio-demographic characteristics, values and attitudes of asylum seekers arriving in Austria in 2015. In that year, the number of persons seeking refuge in Europe was substantially high, with Austria being the fourth largest receiving country of asylum seekers in Europe. This data collection is the first of its kind in Austria and to our knowledge the first in Europe focusing on the recent arrivals of Syrian, Iraqi, and Afghan asylum seekers. First results on human capital and attitudes of DiPAS respondents have been published recently. The current paper presents the methodological approach of collecting these data, experiences from survey preparation, and insights from the field phase. Findings address four key challenges faced by surveys of the highly mobile and vulnerable group of asylum seekers, namely (1) representativity, (2) language barriers, (3) ethical considerations, and (4) cultural diversity. We discuss concrete solutions and recommendations for similar (inter)national, cross-cultural surveys, and provide insights for planning longitudinal studies on displaced persons who recently arrived in Europe.


2015 年秋季对维也纳及其周边地区难民的社会调查:方法论和实地观察

2015 年底,在维也纳及其周边地区开展了一项名为 DiPAS(奥地利流离失所者调查)的调查,以研究 2015 年抵达奥地利的寻求庇护者的社会人口特征、价值观和态度。在欧洲寻求庇护的人数非常高,奥地利是欧洲第四大寻求庇护者接收国。这种数据收集在奥地利尚属首次,据我们所知,在欧洲也是首例,重点关注最近抵达的叙利亚、伊拉克和阿富汗寻求庇护者。关于 DiPAS 受访者的人力资本和态度的初步结果最近已发布。本论文介绍了收集这些数据的方法论、调查准备的经验以及实地阶段的见解。调查结果解决了对高度流动和脆弱的寻求庇护者群体的调查所面临的四个主要挑战,即 (1) 代表性、(2) 语言障碍、(3) 伦理考虑和 (4) 文化多样性。我们讨论类似(国际)国家、跨文化调查的具体解决方案和建议,并为规划对最近抵达欧洲的流离失所者的纵向研究提供见解。