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Re St Margaret, Rottingdean
Ecclesiastical Law Journal ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0956618x20000757
David Willink

The court gave reasons for emergency faculties issued in the preceding days for the removal of two headstones and their safe storage in a secure and undisclosed location. The headstones marked the graves of two music-hall performers, both of whom died in 1962, and described their stage personae in terms that had come to be recognised as deeply racially offensive. Following public protests animated by the Black Lives Matter campaign, the parish had obscured the inscriptions with blackdustbinbags, and sought a faculty to erectmore substantial,woodenprotection around theheadstones. In granting that emergency faculty, the court indicated that it would be receptive to a further application for the immediate removal and storage of the headstones while their long-term futurewas considered; that further application had been made. Headstones belong to the heirs-at-law of the deceased. However, while their removal or alteration can only be undertaken under a faculty, such a faculty canbe sought by parochial clergy, churchwardens, parochial church councils, archdeacons and parishioners, as well as the owners of the headstone. The court directed that the headstones be removed and stored securely, remaining under the jurisdiction of the court and pending further order; that the archdeacon be made an additional party to the proceedings; that best endeavours be used to trace the heir-at-law of each of the deceased; and that a petition for a confirmatory faculty with detailed proposals for the future of the headstones be lodged within six months. [DW]


Re St Margaret, Rottingdean

法院给出了前几天发出的紧急教职人员拆除两块墓碑并将其安全存放在安全和秘密地点的理由。墓碑标志着两位音乐厅表演者的坟墓,他们都于 1962 年去世,并以被认为具有强烈种族攻击性的术语描述了他们的舞台角色。在“黑人的命也是命”运动激起公众抗议之后,教区用黑色垃圾袋遮住了铭文,并寻求教职人员在墓碑周围竖立更坚固的木质保护装置。在授予紧急教职人员时,法院表示,在考虑其长期未来的同时,将接受进一步申请立即移除和储存墓碑;已经提出了进一步的申请。墓碑属于死者的继承人。然而,虽然他们的移除或更改只能由教职人员进行,但教区神职人员、教会看守、教区教会理事会、总执事和教区居民以及墓碑的所有者可以寻求这样的教职人员。法院指示将墓碑移走并安全存放,继续由法院管辖并等待进一步命令;使总执事成为诉讼程序的另一方;尽最大努力追查每位死者的继承人;并在六个月内向确认教员提出请愿书,其中包含有关墓碑未来的详细建议。[数据] 教区神职人员、教会监护人、教区教会理事会、总执事和教区居民以及墓碑的所有者都可以寻求这样的教职人员。法院指示将墓碑移走并安全存放,继续由法院管辖并等待进一步命令;使总执事成为诉讼程序的另一方;尽最大努力追查每位死者的继承人;并在六个月内向确认教员提出请愿书,其中包含有关墓碑未来的详细建议。[数据] 教区神职人员、教会监护人、教区教会理事会、总执事和教区居民以及墓碑的所有者都可以寻求这样的教职人员。法院指示将墓碑移走并安全存放,继续由法院管辖并等待进一步命令;使总执事成为诉讼程序的另一方;尽最大努力追查每位死者的继承人;并在六个月内向确认教员提出请愿书,其中包含有关墓碑未来的详细建议。[数据] 仍受法院管辖并等待进一步命令;使总执事成为诉讼程序的另一方;尽最大努力追查每位死者的继承人;并在六个月内向确认教员提出请愿书,其中包含有关墓碑未来的详细建议。[数据] 仍受法院管辖并等待进一步命令;使总执事成为诉讼程序的另一方;尽最大努力追查每位死者的继承人;并在六个月内向确认教员提出请愿书,其中包含有关墓碑未来的详细建议。[数据]