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Matching in Networks with Bilateral Contracts: Corrigendum
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1257/mic.20190204
John William Hatfield 1 , Ravi Jagadeesan 2 , Scott Duke Kominers 3

Hatfield and Kominers (2012) introduced a model of matching in networks with bilateral contracts and showed that stable outcomes exist in supply chains when firms' preferences over contracts are fully substitutable. Hatfield and Kominers (2012) also asserted that in their setting, full substitutability is equivalent to the assumption that all indirect utility representations of each firm's preferences are quasisubmodular; we show here that this claimed equivalence result does not hold in general. We show instead that full substitutability is equivalent to weak quasisubmodularity of all indirect utility representations.



Hatfield 和 Kominers (2012) 引入了双边合同网络匹配模型,并表明当公司对合同的偏好完全可替代时,供应链中存在稳定的结果。Hatfield 和 Kominers (2012) 还断言,在他们的设置中,完全替代性等同于假设每个公司偏好的所有间接效用表示都是准子模的;我们在这里表明,这个声称的等效结果一般不成立。相反,我们表明完全可替代性等效于所有间接效用表示的弱准子模性。