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Virulence potential of two entomopathogenic nematodes, their associated bacteria, and its metabolites to larvae of Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) in cabbage under greenhouse and field bioassays
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-021-00571-y
Waseem Abbas , Nazir Javed , Imran-ul Haq , Sohail Ahmed

The cabbage butterfly (Pieris brassicae L.) is a major insect pest of cabbage in Pakistan. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (at 1500 infective juvenile/ ml concentraction), Steinerma glaseri (at 1500 infective juvenile/ ml concentration), H. bacteriophora + S. glaseri (at 1500 infective juvenile/ ml concentration), Xenorhabdus spp., (at 4 × 1012 concentration) Photorhabdus spp., (at 4 × 1012 concentration) metabolites of Xenorhabdus spp. (at 50% concentration) and metabolites of Photorhabdus spp (at 50% concentration) were sprayed on cabbage hybrid CB-60 grown in pots placed in the greenhouse. After 7 days, the highest P. brassicae larval mortality (90.43%) was observed where H. bacteriophora + S. glaseri were sprayed. In field experiment, best-performing treatments from greenhouse experiment were selected i.e. H. bacteriophora + S. glaseri (at 1500 infective juvenile/ ml concentration), Xenorhabdus spp., (at 4 × 1012 concentration) and metabolites of Xenorhabdus spp. (at 50% concentration) were sprayed on a highly susceptible cabbage hybrid (CB-60). Heterorhabditis bacteriophora + Steinerma. glaseri @ 1500 infective juvenile/ ml was found to be more superior with maximum mortality (80.43) of cabbage butterfly larvae in comparison with other treatments. From the present study, it may be concluded that EPNs (H. bacteriophora and S. glaseri) application is more effective as compared to their symbiotic bacteria and metabolite for cabbage butterfly management.



甘蓝蝴蝶(Pieris brasicae L.)是巴基斯坦甘蓝的主要害虫。异小嗜菌 (在1500感染幼年/ ml的concentraction),Steinerma glaseri(在1500感染幼年/ ml的浓度),嗜菌 +  S. glaseri(在1500感染幼年/ ml的浓度),致病杆菌属菌,(在4×10 12浓度) Photorhabdus spp.,(在 4 × 10 12浓度) Xenorhabdus spp. 的代谢物。(浓度为 50%)和Photorhabdus 的代谢物将 spp(浓度为 50%)喷洒在种植在温室中的花盆中的白菜杂交种 CB-60 上。7 天后,在喷洒H. bacteriophora  +  S. glaseri 的地方观察到最高的P. brasicae幼虫死亡率 (90.43%) 。在田间试验中,选择了温室试验中表现最好的处理,即H. bacteriophora  +  S. glaseri(在 1500 感染幼虫/ml 浓度下)、Xenorhabdus spp.(在 4 × 10 12浓度下)和Xenorhabdus spp 的代谢物。(以 50% 浓度)喷洒在高度敏感的卷心菜杂交种(CB-60)上。细菌性异形线虫 + 施泰纳马。与其他处理相比,glaseri @ 1500 infective juvenile/ml 具有更高的白菜蝴蝶幼虫死亡率(80.43)。从目前的研究中,可以得出结论,EPNsH. bacteriophoraS. glaseri)与它们的共生细菌和代谢物相比,对白菜蝴蝶的管理更有效。
